I know that in the past I already wrote about this article but I just love it… The “List of BizTalk Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions” article is intended to be a knowledge base of all Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions documented in all stages/components of BizTalk: different stages of development, deployment, adapters, runtime, setup, and configuration… and this list can prove to be very useful for BizTalk developers and administrators.
And did you know he already has 160 reviews and more than 140 errors or warnings documented!
The article started with 6 different topics: “Visual Studio Orchestration Design Issues”, “Visual Studio Schema Design Issues”, “Visual Studio Mapper Design Issues”, “BizTalk Deploy Issues”, “BizTalk Adapters Issues”, “BizTalk Runtime Issues”. But he grew in his first year of life, thanks also to the support of some members of the community (I won’t mention any names to avoid the mistake of forgetting someone) and now it has 16 different topics covering errors since BizTalk Server 2006 to the most recent version: BizTalk Server 2013!
Why TechNet Wiki?
For me TechNet wiki is the best place to compile such a list because is open to all community for them to add, modify and update his content, making it always up to date.
Call for action
As soon I find new errors and solutions, I’ll try to keep this list updated and I know that there are still many errors and solutions that are not here… So what you are waiting for! I challenge you all to help improve this amazing knowledge base list by adding new content.
You can find the TechNet Wiki article here: BizTalk: List of Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions
Reblogged this on Extremely Talented Monkeys and commented:
Awesome. Just…. Awesome…