Apr 30

Logic App Consumption Deployment Error: Get-AzResourceGroup Method get_SerializationSettings in t...

Sometimes the life of a developer is a nightmare, hehe Have done this several times, and all are working, but this week, on a new developer machine, while we

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 11

Deleting A Logic App Without Log Analytics Configured? Export Run Details For Preservation And A...

Sometimes, companies face the need to delete important Logic Apps but need to retain detailed information about their runs Especially when Log Analytics isn't

By Luis Rigueira

Mar 15

PowerShell script to identify all SQL V1 actions and triggers inside Logic Apps Consumption

A few days ago, Luis Rigueira created a Kusto query to identify all Logic Apps Consumptions that use SQL V1 actions and triggers that will soon be deprecated

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 3

Microsoft Integration and Azure Stencils Pack for Visio: New version available (v8.0.1)

In my previous update, I discussed my intention to release a new major version of my stencils However, I've opted for a gradual approach, releasing minor

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 14

Microsoft Integration and Azure Stencils Pack for Visio: New version available (v8.0.0)

The last time I released a new version of my stencil, it was on January 26 of 2022 A long time ago indeed, so it is fair to say that I do need to release a

By Sandro Pereira

May 25

PowerShell script to download a specific version of WinSCP

Today I was helping a BizTalk Server customer migrate their process from using the FTP adapter to the SFTP adapter And if you are familiar with the BizTalk

By Sandro Pereira

Aug 25

BizTalk Server Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes whitepaper

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the Microsoft implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Basically is a set of specifications from

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 3

How to start and stop a BizTalk Server Application with PowerShell/BizTalk360

Long time since I played with PowerShell and BizTalk Server, but today I had a request from one of my clients who want to restart to SAP receive locations on

By Sandro Pereira

Mar 2

APIM and Service Bus: Connecting your Service Bus to Azure APIM and relaying messages

Azure Service Bus has a REST API exposed that you can use to send, read, manage messages from and to, but it requires Authentication To use this API, you'll

By Pedro Almeida

Jan 26

Microsoft Integration and Azure Stencils Pack for Visio: New version available (v7.3.1)

The full 73 version is complete with the release of v731 This was a massive work of adding new shapes of new services that appear on Azure and changing the

By Sandro Pereira

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