Friday (funny) Fact: There is no size limit for the Logic App parameter name
In Azure Logic Apps, you can abstract values that might change in workflows across development, test, and production environments by defining parameters
Friday Fact: Logic Apps don’t interpret escaped characters as plain text, even inside a str...
In the realm of Logic Apps, the treatment of escaped characters differs from handling plain text Let's look into a scenario were understanding special
Friday Fact: When a HTTP Request is Received trigger can accept more http methods other than POST
Diving into Logic Apps, it's a common oversight to assume that only POST requests can be use when using the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger However,
BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services: Validate XML messages before executing the business...
Welcome again to another BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services blog post In my previous blog post Today, we will address a common scenario and
Friday Fact: Parallel branching in Logic Apps enables asynchronous execution of multiple tasks si...
Parallel branching is a concept utilized in various workflow automation systems, including Logic Apps, to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of task
Seamlessly Adding Tags to Azure Function Apps via Visual Studio: A Guide for Enhanced Resource Ma...
Have you ever wondered how to add tags to your Function App through Visual Studio Let's break it down, but first, here's a quick overview of how you would
Friday Fact: XML to JSON Conversion in API Management and Logic Apps have different behaviors
I don't know the reason why two products from the same family - Azure Integration Services - have completely different behaviors while converting XML to JSON,
Azure Functions to validate XML against DTD
After the release of a set of Azure Functions that will help us minimize or completely remove the need for an Integration Account: Azure Function to Apply
Azure Function to Apply XML Validation (Advanced)
After the release of our previous XML Validation Functions: Azure Function to Apply XML Validation (Basic) Azure Function to Apply XML Validation
Azure Function to Apply XML Validation (Intermedium)
After the release of our Azure Function to Apply XML Validation (Basic), it is now time for another Azure Function under the same context: an Azure Function