2024 was a crazy, challenging year in a good sense, both personally and professionally. Nevertheless, once again, it was another great year, in a word, a year of growing!
Personal highlights…
6 years in a row with home renovations. The path to our dream house is not a fast run but a marathon instead :). This year, we have decided to renew the old living room and make it our dream one!
I could again bring my wife to one of my speaking engagements this year. I’m trying to do this as a tradition for the year. We managed to get our children to stay with their uncles, and she was able to accompany me to the Netherlands.

Our, my son’s and mine, Lego collection has grown substantially. We now have 98 sets and a lot of mini-figures in which we can highlight R2-D2 addition thanks to John Lecktorp:

My team at DevScope grew even more, and we hope it will continue to grow this year in terms of business;
Professional highlights…
Last year, I challenged my team to publish an Enterprise Integration fact every Friday and to be more connected to the communities, and I can proudly say that they… we (my team and I) did it! We delivered an astounding amount of 52 Friday Facts in 2024 (see more details here), and we were highlighted in every single Microsoft Logic Apps Aviators Newsletter in 2024 for a total of:
- 36 blog posts highlighted in Logic Apps Aviators Newsletter
- Luis Rigueira was highlighted as Ace Aviator of the Month in the March edition
- and Diogo Formosinho was highlighted as Ace Aviator of the Month in the July edition

This year, we were also able to write 159 new blog posts on my blog – another blog record!:
- 2023: 117 new posts
- 2022: 77 new posts
- 2021: 77 new posts
- 2020: 92 new posts
- 2019: 43 new posts
- 2018: 70 new posts
- 2017: 63 new posts (migrate to a new blog)
- 2016: 50 new posts
- 2015: 79 new posts
- 2014: 52 new posts
- 2013: 79 new posts
- 2012: 102 new posts
- 2011: 61 new posts
The most viewed blogs were:
- Note to myself: How to perform a CTRL+ALT+DEL inside an Azure Virtual Machine?
- Logic Apps: How to send a well-formatted HTML Email notification with Office 365 Outlook connector
- EDIFACT Encoding – EDI Character Set Support
- Microsoft Integration and Azure Stencils Pack for Visio: New Azure and Dataverse Logos
- Logic App Standard Engine Error: System.Private.CoreLib: Access to the path ‘C:\home\data\Functions\secrets\Sentinels’ is denied.
- The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (domain\username) of job job-name has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user)
- Recovering a deleted Logic App with Azure Portal
- BizTalk – List of Macros
- How to get the Error Message with Logic App Try-Catch (Part I)
And the countries that most visited my blog this year were the United States, India, the United Kingdom, and The Netherlands!

And, as always, many other activities.
Speaking engagements are always on my bucket list. I was still able to deliver 5 sessions (on-prem and remote) in several conferences and User Groups worldwide on topics like BizTalk Server, Logic Apps, and Azure Integration Services:
- Aviators Germany Community | June 13, 2024 | Hamburg, Germany | Exclusive Q&A

- INTEGRATE 2024 London | June 10-11, 2024 | London, UK | BizTalk to Azure the migration journey: Azure Integration in action

- Azure Logic Apps Community Day 2024 | September 26, 2024 | Online | Logic Apps: Everything you need to know about error handling
- Nordic Integration Summit 2024 | October 15-16, 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden | A walk in the park with the brand new version of the Logic App Data Mapper

- MIUG.NL | November 28, 2024 | Hilversum, The Netherlands | Mastering Logic Apps Workflows: New Features, Best Practices, and Testing Techniques

Finally, this was a year full of training. I was able to deliver 5 training courses (in person and online) focused on BizTalk Server and Azure Integration Services to several partners and organizations on topics like:
- Logic App Training Course
- Azure Integration Services Training Course
- BizTalk Server Developing Training Course
- BizTalk Server Administration Training Course
- BizTalk Server Developing and Administration Training Course
And I have been interviewed a few times, what is something new:
- BizTalk to Azure migration – Everything you need to know!
- Integration love story with Sandro Pereira
Where I can highlight the part where my son decided to appear to show them the legendary Star Wars Millennium Falcon Lego set:
- The legendary Millennium Falcon: More than just a Lego set!
And I can say, at this moment when I’m writing this blog post, this is the most viewed video on the Contica Integration Love Story channel!
For all of you…
Once again, thanks for following me and reading my blog, and I promise to continue to share my knowledge during 2025.
If you liked the content or found it helpful and want to help me write more content, you can buy (or help buy) my son a Star Wars Lego!