BizTalk Server Maintenance: Repair Refcounts issues for All Messages

In my last two blog posts, BizTalk Server monitoring: View Count of Messages Without Reference Counts (RefCounts) and BizTalk Server monitoring: View Count of Messages With Negative Reference Counts (RefCounts), I explain these two types of Messages without or with negative reference counts and how you can check and monitor them. Not only that, but I also explain what impacts they can have on your BizTalk Server environment.

All of these tasks, including the repair task that I’m addressing here, are available and can be, and should be, executed from the BizTalk Health Monitor tool. For those who are not aware of BHM, BHM is an MMC snap-in that allows the user to monitor the health of BizTalk Server environments and execute maintenance tasks. It is, in a simple way, an aggregator of two familiar tools for BizTalk Server: the old MsgBox Viewer and the old BizTalk Terminator.

However, once again, have you ever been curious to know how you can repair these types of messages? Or did you already face the issue that you cannot open the BizTalk Health monitor because it is failing or you don’t have an Internet connection to update them to the last version? Or maybe you are using an environment older than BizTalk Server 2013?

Well, now you have it here:

TRUNCATE TABLE MessageRefCountLog1
TRUNCATE TABLE MessageRefCountLog2
TRUNCATE TABLE MessageRefCountLogTotals

UPDATE ActiveRefCountLog SET tnActiveTable = 1 WHERE fType = 1

OPEN curse
FETCH NEXT FROM curse INTO @nvcAppName
	-- Truncate local application refcount log if it exists
	EXEC('if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @nvcAppName + '_MessageRefCountLog]'') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1) TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @nvcAppName + '_MessageRefCountLog]')           

	-- Find all the message refs which have no associated row in the spool
	EXEC ('INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLog1 (uidMessageID, snRefCount) SELECT uidMessageID, COUNT(*) FROM [' + @nvcAppName + 'Q] GROUP BY uidMessageID')
	EXEC ('INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLog1 (uidMessageID, snRefCount) SELECT uidMessageID, COUNT(*) FROM [' + @nvcAppName + 'Q_Suspended] GROUP BY uidMessageID')
	EXEC ('INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLog1 (uidMessageID, snRefCount) SELECT uidMessageID, COUNT(*) FROM [InstanceStateMessageReferences_' + @nvcAppName + '] GROUP BY uidMessageID')
	FETCH NEXT FROM curse INTO @nvcAppName
CLOSE curse

INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLog1 (uidMessageID, snRefCount) 
SELECT uidMessageID, COUNT(*) 
FROM [TrackingMessageReferences] GROUP BY uidMessageID
-- Inserting restart message details, for service recovery
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 uidMessageID FROM Spool WHERE uidMessageID = N'61EAA7FC-AC85-42d9-BF3E-1BED258B82BE')
	INSERT INTO Spool (uidMessageID, nNumParts, nCounter, imgContext) VALUES (N'61EAA7FC-AC85-42d9-BF3E-1BED258B82BE', 0, 0, 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

-- Inserting Suspend Control message
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 uidMessageID FROM Spool WHERE uidMessageID = N'2BE3D5B8-5685-40F2-BD97-51ADA3D02347')
	INSERT INTO Spool (uidMessageID, nNumParts, nCounter, imgContext) VALUES (N'2BE3D5B8-5685-40F2-BD97-51ADA3D02347', 0, 0, 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

-- Inserting  Terminate Control message
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 uidMessageID FROM Spool WHERE uidMessageID = N'57E5E753-0207-435D-8BE7-2B9F3C6556F9')
	INSERT INTO Spool (uidMessageID, nNumParts, nCounter, imgContext) VALUES (N'57E5E753-0207-435D-8BE7-2B9F3C6556F9', 0, 0, 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

-- Inserting Resume in Debug Mode message
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 uidMessageID FROM Spool WHERE uidMessageID = N'50D173AF-5D6F-4D5F-AE23-1A7178CEBDC3')
	INSERT INTO Spool (uidMessageID, nNumParts, nCounter, imgContext) VALUES (N'50D173AF-5D6F-4D5F-AE23-1A7178CEBDC3', 0, 0, 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
--we need to add refcounts for the control messages in our system.

INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLogTotals (uidMessageID, snRefCount) VALUES (N'61EAA7FC-AC85-42d9-BF3E-1BED258B82BE', 1)
INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLogTotals (uidMessageID, snRefCount) VALUES (N'2BE3D5B8-5685-40F2-BD97-51ADA3D02347', 1)
INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLogTotals (uidMessageID, snRefCount) VALUES (N'57E5E753-0207-435D-8BE7-2B9F3C6556F9', 1)
INSERT INTO MessageRefCountLogTotals (uidMessageID, snRefCount) VALUES (N'50D173AF-5D6F-4D5F-AE23-1A7178CEBDC3', 1)

--lets run the stored procedure to process all of this and add up the values to put them in the totals table
EXEC int_PurgeMessageRefCountLog 1, @ret OUTPUT

--Now we have everything in the totals table (nothing is in the zero sum table since we only added references to messages
--currently in the messagebox. There were no releases (ie negative numbers)
--Lets populate the zerosum table with any messages in the spool which are not in the totals table
INSERT INTO MessageZeroSum (uidMessageID)
SELECT uidMessageID FROM Spool s WHERE s.uidMessageID NOT IN (SELECT uidMessageID FROM MessageRefCountLogTotals)

Note: This is part of the script. If you want the full script download it from the link available at the end of the post.

This script rebuilds all the MessageRefCountLog tables and the MessageZeroSum table to resolve the ‘Messages w/out RefCounts’ issue that MessageBoxViewer identifies. While doing this, control messages are rebuilt if needed.


  • Before running this script, make sure that:
    • All BizTalk databases should be backed up
    • All host instances should be stopped
    • All BizTalk SQL Agent jobs should be stopped.


Once again, if possible, run these scripts and execute these tasks inside the BizTalk Health Monitor tool.

Where can I download it?

You can download the SQL script here:

Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community.

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