Today we will address the last suite of functoids that are part of the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack project available for BizTalk Server 2020: Math Functoids. And with this blog post, we finally arrive to the end of this project migration.
Math Functoids
This library includes a suite of functoids to perform a variety of basic mathematical operations that you can use this inside BizTalk mapper.
This project includes the following Custom Functoids:
- Negate Number Functoid: Use Negate Functoif to return the input double as its negated form.
- This functoid requires one input parameter:
- A number (double or int) to be negated;
- The output result will be the input value in his negative form. If it’s positive, it will return as negative and vice-versa.
- Examples:
- Input 1 >>> Output = -1
- Input -23,09 >>> Output = 23,09
- Input 0 >>> Output = 0
- This functoid requires one input parameter:
- SmartRound Functoid: Use SmartRound to return the rounded double, by the second parameter input.
- The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- Parameter 1: Number to be rounded (double or int)
- Parameter 2: Number to decimals places
- The output of the functoid will be the input number rounded up or down to the specified decimal places.
- Examples:
- Input 23 rounded to 2 >>> Output = 23,00
- Input 24,005900 rounded to 3 >>> Output = 24,006
- The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack
BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack is a set of libraries with several useful functoids to include and use it in a map, which will provide an extension of BizTalk Mapper capabilities.

Where to download?
You can download this functoid along with all the existing one on the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack here:
BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack