BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack is a set of libraries with several useful functoids to include and use it in a map, which will provide an extension of BizTalk Mapper capabilities.
This particular version is optimized for BizTalk Server 2016
Conversion Functoids
- Convert from human readable to epoch date Functoid: This functoid allows you to convert a traditional date (Human Readable Date) into a Unix date (Epoch Date).
- Convert from epoch to human readable date Functoid: This functoid allows you to convert a Unix date (Epoch Date) into a traditional date (Human Readable Date).
- Convert DateTime format Functoid: This functoid allows you to convert DateTime format.
Dynamic Generators Functoids
- Password Generator Functoid: Use this functoid to build a random password.
- Guid Generator Functoid: This functoid allows you to generate a new Guid.
- Tiny Id Generator Functoid: This functoid allows you to generate a new Tiny Id.
Encoder Functoids
- Base64 Decoder Functoid: This functoid allows you to decode Base64-encoded text strings.
- Base64 Encoder Functoid: This functoid allows you to convert string object into base64 encoded string.
Configuration Functoids
- BTSNTSvc Config Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from BTSNTsvc.exe.config. If there is no section specified, the functoid reads from the AppSettings.
- System Environment Variable Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from machine System Environment Variable.
- Custom Config Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from a custom configuration file.
- Windows Registry Config Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from Windows Registry.
- SSO Config Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from SSO Database.
- Rule Engine Config Get Functoid: This functoid allows you to obtain a definition value from a Vocabulary in the Business Rules Engine.
CRM Functoids
- CRM Lookup Functoid: This functoid allows you to retrieve a value from CRM lookup field. This functoid is able to perform a lookup operation using two different approaches: Accessing the CRM database (read-only), for local CRM integration or through the CRM web services if you want to avoid giving access to the database or if you have to integrate CRM online.
- MSCRM Map Helper Base Types Functoid: Use this functoid when you want map CRM base data types such as “xs:string”, “xs:int” and so on.
- MSCRM Map Helper Guid Functoid: Use this functoid when you want map CRM guid type.
- MSCRM Map Helper Money Functoid: Use this functoid when you want map CRM money type.
- MSCRM Map Helper Option Value Functoid: Use this functoid when you want map CRM option value type.
- MSCRM Map Helper References Functoid: Use this functoid when you want map CRM reference type.
String Functoids
- String Constant functoid: This functoid allows you to set constant values (strings) inside de maps.
- String ToTitleCase functoid: This functoid allows you to Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms).
- String Advance Compare Functoid: This functoid allows you to compare two specified String objects, ignoring or honoring their case, and returns a boolean that indicates if they are equal or not.
- String Replace Functoid: This functoid returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string (second parameter) found in the first string are replaced with another specified string (third parameter).
- String Normalize Functoid: This functoid allows you to normalize the text. It will remove two or more consecutive spaces and replace them with a single space, remove two or more consecutive newlines and replace them with a single newline and “condense” multiple tabs into one.
- String PadLeft Functoid: This functoid allows you to set a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
- String PadRight Functoid: This functoid allows you to set a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
- String Remove Leading Zeros Functoid: This functoid allows you to remove any leading zeros from an input string.
Custom Advanced Functoids
- Default Value Mapping functoid: The Default Value Mapping have a similar but different behavior. You can use the Default Value Mapping functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters. If the value of the first input parameter is Null or Empty, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the first input is returned.
XPath Functoids
- XPath Functoid: This functoid natively integrates custom XPath queries in the BizTalk Mapper.
SharePoint Functoids
Add SharePoint 2013 Document Set Functoid: Creates a Document Set in an existing SharePoint 2013 List.
Logical Functoids
- Advance Logical AND Functoid: Use the Advance Logical AND functoid to return the logical AND of input parameters. This functoid requires two to one hundred input parameters.
- Advance Equal Functoid: Use the Advance Equal functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is equal to the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Greater Than Functoid: Use the Advance Greater Than functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is greater than the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Greater Than or Equal To Functoid: Use the Advance Greater Than or Equal To functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is greater than or equal to the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Less Than Functoid: Use the Advance Less Than functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is less than the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Less Than or Equal To Functoid: Use the Advance Less Than or Equal To functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is less than or equal to the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Not Equal Functoid: Use the Advance Not Equal functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is not equal to the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
- Advance Logical NOT Functoid: Use the Advance Logical NOT functoid to return the logical inversion of the input parameter. This functoid requires one input parameter only.
- Advance Logical OR Functoid: Use the Advance Logical OR functoid to return the logical OR of input parameters. The input parameters have to be Boolean or numeric. This functoid requires two to one hundred input parameters.
- If-Then-Else Functoid: Use the If-Then-Else Functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters based on a condition. If the condition (first input) is True, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the Third input is returned.
Conversion Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that make data conversions that you can use inside BizTalk Mapper.
Convert from human readable to epoch date Functoid
This functoid allows you to convert a traditional date (Human Readable Date) into a Unix date (Epoch Date).
What is epoch time?
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1-1-1970), but ‘epoch’ is often used as a synonym for ‘Unix time’. Many Unix systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038).
Human readable time | Seconds |
1 minute | 60 seconds |
1 hour | 3600 seconds |
1 day | 86400 seconds |
1 week | 604800 seconds |
1 month (30.44 days) | 2629743 seconds |
1 year (365.24 days) | 31556926 seconds |
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- The input date or DateTime
- A string describing the input format of the first parameter
The output of the functoid is a long, Example: 1289427321
Convert from epoch to human readable date Functoid
This functoid allows you to convert a Unix date (Epoch Date) into a traditional date (Human Readable Date).
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- The input date or DateTime
- A string describing the input format of the first parameter
The output of the functoid is a DateTime, Example: 10-11-2010 22:15:21
Dynamic Generators Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that generate dynamic data; you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
Password Generator Functoid
This functoid allows you to build a random password.
The functoid takes five mandatory input parameters:
- A Boolean that describing if you want to use Lower Case chars
- “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h”, “i”, “j”, “k”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “o”, “p”, “q”, “r”, “s”, “t”, “u”, “v”, “w”, “x”, “y”, “z”
- A Boolean that describing if you want to use Upper Case chars
- “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “J”, “K”, “L”, “M”, “N”, “O”, “P”, “Q”, “R”, “S”, “T”, “U”, “V”, “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z”
- A Boolean that describing if you want to use Numbers
- “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “0”
- A Boolean that describing if you want to use Symbols
- “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “&”, “*”, “?”
- An integer that represents the length of the password
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: 6FcUw7RBFi
Guid Generator Functoid
This functoid allows you to generate a new Guid.
The functoid takes no parameters
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: 8fe5cee8-279b-4f1b-96f2-450cff2c846c
Tiny Id Generator Functoid
This functoid allows you to generate a new Tiny Id.
The functoid takes no parameters
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: _2ZgiIhjCECNxi9QwU96FA
Encoder Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that make data encoder that you can use inside BizTalk Mapper.
Base64 Encoder Functoid
This functoid allows you to convert string object into base64 encoded string.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- String that represents the text that you want to encode to Base 64
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: U2FuZHJvIFBlcmVpcmE=
Base64 Decoder Functoid
This functoid allows you to decode Base64-encoded text strings.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- Base 64 string representation that you want to decode to text string
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: Sandro Pereira
Configuration Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that make read configuration parameter values from different locations and that you can use inside BizTalk mapper
BTSNTSvc Config Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from BTSNTsvc.exe.config. If there is no section specified, the functoid reads from the AppSettings.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- String that represents the keyname that you want to read from BTSNTsvc.exe.config
- A string that represents the section (can be an empty String) from the BTSNTsvc.exe.config that you want to read the keyname.
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the configuration parameters from BTSNTsvc.exe.config
System Environment Variable Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from machine System Environment Variable.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- String that represents the key that you want to read from System Environment Variable
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the configuration parameters from System Environment Variable of the machine
Custom Config Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from a custom configuration file.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- String that represents the key (variable name)that you want to read from a custom configuration file
- A string that represents the path to the custom configuration file that you want to read the key.
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the configuration parameters from a custom configuration file.
SSO Config Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from SSO Database.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- String that represents the name of the affiliate application to represent the configuration container to access
- A string that represents the property name to read from the affiliate application.
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the configuration parameters from SSO
Windows Registry Config Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to get configuration parameters from Windows Registry.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- A string that represents the name or path of the subkey to open.
- A string that represents the name of the value to retrieve from the registry. This string is not case-sensitive.
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the configuration parameters from the registry.
Rule Engine Config Get Functoid
This functoid allows you to obtain a definition value from a Vocabulary in the Business Rules Engine.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- A string that represents the definition name (e.g. Value1)
- A string that represents the vocabulary name (i.e. Config).
The output of the functoid is a string with the value of the definition name from a specify vocabulary on the Business Rule Engine.
CRM Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that help you to wok easily in CRM integration solution; you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
CRM Lookup Functoid
This functoid allows you to retrieve a value from CRM lookup field. This functoid is able to perform a lookup operation using two different approaches:
- Accessing the CRM database (read-only), for local CRM integration
- Through the CRM web services if you want to avoid giving access to the database or if you have to integrate CRM online.
The functoid takes five mandatory input parameters:
- SSO Application Name: the connection parameters are stored inside SSO. Here you have to specify the application name where you decide to store the settings. This allows you to have multiple CRM environments that you can integrate;
- CRM Guid Field Name: key field name of which you want to get the value;
- CRM Entity Name: CRM entity name on which the resolution will be performed
- CRM Input Field Name: imagining having a “code” as input and you want to know the CRM physical key, in this attribute should specify the name of the “code” field.
- CRM Input Value: value from source system to resolve
The output of the functoid is a string, Example: 6erg5r-sdrf56-4dfgt5-6ty5r4-456trt
Create an SSO application.
SQL Server Lookup: Create the following SSO configuration parameters
- CrmConnectionType: “sql”
- CrmDatabaseConnectionString: specify the CRM database connection string
Open SQL Server management console, connect to CRM database and execute the script under CRMLookup.sql file in the project folder.
Local CRM web services lookup: Create the following SSO configuration parameters:
- CrmConnectionType: “ws”
- CrmUserName: specify a valid CRM username
- CrmUserDomain: specify a user active directory domain name
- CrmUserPassword: specify the user password
- CrmUri: specify the CRM web service url (ex: http://MyCrmServer/MyCrmInstance/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc)
CRM Online web services lookup: Create the following SSO configuration parameters:
- CrmConnectionType: “ws”
- CrmUserName: specify a valid CRM username (ex:
- CrmUserPassword: specify the user password
- CrmUri: specify the CRM web service url (ex: )
MSCRM Map Helper Base Types Functoid
Use this functoid when you want map CRM base data types such as “xs:string”, “xs:int” and so on.
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- Source Field: Link from source schema field value.
- Target Field Name: CRM target field name.
- Target Field Type: CRM target field type (Example: “xs:dateTime”).
The output of this functoid should be linked to:
- “/<Schema>/<CRM_Operation>/entity/Attributes/KeyValuePairOfstringanyType/key”.
MSCRM Map Helper Guid Functoid
Use this functoid when you want map CRM guid type.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- Source Field: Link from source schema field value.
- Target Field Name: CRM target field name
The output of this functoid should be linked to:
- “/<Schema>/<CRM_Operation>/entity/Attributes/KeyValuePairOfstringanyType/key”.
You may use this functoid in combination with CRM Lookup functoid, where first find for entity guid and then use the result to map to the destination schema.
MSCRM Map Helper Money Functoid
Use this functoid when you want map CRM money type.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- Source Field: Link from source schema field value.
- Target Field Name: CRM target field name.
The output of this functoid should be linked to:
- “/<Schema>/<CRM_Operation>/entity/Attributes/KeyValuePairOfstringanyType/key
MSCRM Map Helper Option Value Functoid
Use this functoid when you want map CRM option value type.
The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
- Source Field: Link from source schema field value.
- Target Field Name: CRM target field name.
The output of this functoid should be linked to:
- “/<Schema>/<CRM_Operation>/entity/Attributes/KeyValuePairOfstringanyType/key”.
MSCRM Map Helper References Functoid
Use this functoid when you want map CRM reference type.
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- Source Field: Link from source schema field value.
- Target Field Name: CRM target field name.
- Entity Name: CRM referenced entity.
The output of this functoid should be linked to:
- “/<Schema>/<CRM_Operation>/entity/Attributes/KeyValuePairOfstringanyType/key”.
String Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that provides many methods for safely creating, manipulating, and comparing strings that you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
String Constant functoid
This functoid allows you to set constant values (strings) inside de maps.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- String value to be returned out
String ToTitleCase functoid
This functoid allows you to Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms)
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- The string to convert to title case
String Advance Compare Functoid
This functoid allows you to compare two specified String objects, ignoring or honoring their case, and returns a boolean that indicates if they are equal or not.
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- The first string to compare
- The second string to compare
- True to ignore case during the comparison; otherwise, False.
String Replace Functoid
This functoid returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string (second parameter) found in the first string are replaced with another specified string (third parameter).
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- String where we will replace the values
- The string to be replaced.
- The string to replace all occurrences of oldValue.
String Normalize Functoid
This functoid allows you to normalize the text. It will remove two or more consecutive spaces and replace them with a single space, remove two or more consecutive newlines and replace them with a single newline and “condense” multiple tabs into one.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- The string to normalize
String PadLeft Functoid
This functoid allows you to set a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- String that will be pad on the left with a specified Unicode character
- The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters.
- A Unicode padding character.
String PadRight Functoid
This functoid allows you to set a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
The functoid takes three mandatory input parameters:
- String that will be pad on the left with a specified Unicode character
- The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters.
- A Unicode padding character.
String Remove Leading Zeros Functoid
This functoid allows you to remove any leading zeros from an input string.
The functoid has one mandatory parameter:
- Input string which contains leading zeros which need to be removed.
Custom Advanced Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that provides methods for Conditional mapping that you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
Default Value Mapping functoid
The Value Mapping and Value Mapping (Flattening) functoids are used to provide a conditional mapping from an input instance message to an output instance message. When their first input parameter is true, the second input parameter is put into the specified element or attribute in the output instance message; otherwise, that element or attribute is not created in the output instance message.
The Default Value Mapping have a similar but different behavior. You can use the Default Value Mapping functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters. If the value of the first input parameter is Null or Empty, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the first input is returned.
he functoid takes one mandatory input parameters:
- A string value tested as Null or Empty.
- A string value that will act as Default Value in case of the first input will be Null or empty.
Authentication Functoids
This library currently includes one functoid. This functoid enables you to obtain an authentication token from the Windows Azure Access Control Service.
Get Windows Azure ACS Wrap Token Functoid
This functoid allows you to obtain an ACS WRAP access token in order to access a Windows Azure BizTalk Services Bridge or Windows Azure Service Bus resources. Note this token needs to be added to the outbound request message Http Header. In order to do so use the Authorization key and assign its value as ‘WRAP access_token={RECEIVED TOKEN}’
The functoid takes four mandatory input parameters:
- A string issuerName – IssuerName belonging to the BizTalk Service namespace or Windows Azure Service Bus namespace
- A string issuerKey – Issuerkey belonging to the BizTalk Service namespace or Windows Azure Service Bus namespace
- A string endPoint – Full Uri pointing to the BizTalk Service Bridge or Windows Azure Service Bus queue/topic
- A string windowsAzureACSNamespace – BizTalk Service or Service Bus ACS namespace name
[“Authorization”] = String.Format(“WRAP access_token=\”{0}\””, <YOUR TOKEN>);
XPath Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that provides XPath methods that you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
XPath Functoid
This functoid natively integrates custom XPath queries in the BizTalk Mapper. This unique functoid which is a powerful competitor to the ScripterFunctoid or a custom XSLT stylesheet and mixes exceptionally well with other functoids.
The functoid takes one mandatory input parameter and one optional parameter:
- The first parameter specifies an absolute or relative XPath expression, which becomes a native part of the generated XSLT.
- The (optional) second parameter is a link to the source tree node that becomes the (looping) context for the XPath expression.
This defines the current context node for the XPath expression and allows the use of relative XPath expressions. Additionally, the mapper will generate a looping construct for that linked node where appropriate.
The functoid output can be linked to a destination schema node or serve as input to other functoids
SharePoint Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids that help you to wok easily in SharePoint integration solution; you can use this inside BizTalk Mapper.
Add SharePoint 2013 Document Set Functoid
Creates a Document Set in an existing SharePoint 2013 List. It is a requirement that the SharePoint list contains a custom content-type of type document set.
The following parameters are required:
- string siteUrl = SharePoint Site Url
- string listName = SharePoint List Name containing the custom content-type Document Set
- string docSetContentTypeName = Document Set Content Type name
- string newDocSetName=Name of the to document set to created
Comment: An custom content-type of type documentset needs to be available in SharePoint.
Logical Functoids
This library includes a suit of functoids to perform a variety of logical operations, often controlling whether a particular element or attribute is created in an output instance message. Most of the Logical Functoids are a replica of the existent Logical Functoids that came with BizTalk Server with the advantage that these will allow you to connect with others Custom String Functoids. They are fully compatible with existing functoids and don’t produce any more additional code.
Advance Logical AND Functoid
Use the Advance Logical AND functoid to return the logical AND of input parameters. It determines whether all of the specified input parameters are true.
This functoid requires a minimum of two input parameters and a maximum of one hundred:
- Parameter 1: A value that can be evaluated as either True or False.
- Parameters 2 – 100: Values that can be evaluated as either True or False.
Returns the logical AND of parameters. True if all of the specified input parameters evaluate to True; False otherwise.
Advance Equal Functoid
Use the Advance Equal functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is equal to the second input parameter. It tests whether the two input parameters are equal.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested for equality with the parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested for equality with the parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the values of the two input parameters are equal; “False” otherwise.
Advance Greater Than Functoid
Use the Advance Greater Than functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is greater than the second input parameter. It tests whether the first input parameter is greater than the second input parameter.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested to determine whether it is greater than parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested to determine whether it is greater than parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the value of the first input parameter is greater than the value of the second input parameter; “False” otherwise.
Advance Greater Than or Equal To Functoid
Use the Advance Greater Than or Equal To functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is greater than or equal to the second input parameter. It tests whether the first input parameter is greater than or equal to the second input parameter.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested to determine whether it is greater than or equal to parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested to determine whether it is greater than or equal to parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the value of the first input parameter is greater than or equal to the value of the second input parameter; “False” otherwise.
Advance Less Than Functoid
Use the Advance Less Than functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is less than the second input parameter. It tests whether the first input parameter is less than the second input parameter.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested to determine whether it is less than parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested to determine whether it is less than parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the value of the first input parameter is less than the value of the second input parameter; “False” otherwise.
Advance Less Than or Equal To Functoid
Use the Advance Less Than or Equal To functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is less than or equal to the second input parameter. It tests whether the first input parameter is less than or equal to the second input parameter.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested to determine whether it is less than or equal to parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested to determine whether it is less than or equal to parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the value of the first input parameter is less than or equal to the value of the second input parameter; “False” otherwise.
Advance Not Equal Functoid
Use the Advance Not Equal functoid to return the value “true” if the first input parameter is not equal to the second input parameter. It tests whether the two input parameters are not equal.
This functoid requires two input parameters:
- Parameter 1: A value to be tested for inequality with parameter 2.
- Parameter 2: A value to be tested for inequality with parameter 1.
Returns “True” if the values of the two input parameters are not equal; “False” otherwise.
Advance Logical NOT Functoid
Use the Advance Logical NOT functoid to return the logical inversion of the input parameter. Use to logically negate the value of the Boolean input parameter.
This functoid requires one input parameter only:
- Parameter 1: A value that can be evaluated as either True or False.
Returns “True” if the specified input parameter evaluates to False; “False” otherwise.
Advance Logical OR Functoid
Use the Advance Logical OR functoid to return the logical OR of input parameters. The input parameters have to be Boolean or numeric. It determines whether any of the specified input parameters are true.
This functoid requires a minimum of two input parameters and a maximum of one hundred:
- Parameter 1: A value that can be evaluated as either True or False.
- Parameters 2 – 100: Values that can be evaluated as either True or False.
Returns “True” if any of the specified input parameters evaluate to True; “False” otherwise.
If-Then-Else Functoid
Use the If-Then-Else Functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters based on a condition. If the condition (first input) is True, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the Third input is returned.
This functoid requires three input parameters:
- Boolean representing the result of a previous condition
- The value to be returned if the condition is True.
- The value to be returned if the condition is False.
If the condition is True, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise th, Third input is returned.
Installation in a production environment
In a production environment you just need to install the DLL in the GAC
- gacutil /i assemblyPath
Installation in a development environment
In a development environment you should install the DLL in two places
- For using inside the Visual Studio BizTalk Mapper, you need to copy the dll file to the “%BTS%\Developer Tools\Mapping Extensions” folder, where %BTS% is the installation folder of BizTalk.
- Start Visual Studio.NET and go to “Tools” => “Choose Toolbox Items” and then go to the “Functoids” pane. Check the functoids that should be available in the toolbox.
- You must also install the assembly into the GAC so that the functoid is available to BizTalk at runtime.
- gacutil /i assemblyPath
Installation in a production environment
In a production environment copy the deployment directory and the PowerShell directory from the build environment and place it on the production server
- Ensure you are using the latest version of PowerShell, or download it here
- Rename the deploymentSettings_Production.xml file to deploymentSetting.xml
- Ensure you have compiled the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack Solution using the RELEASE option
- Execute the InstallAndRegisterFunctoids.ps1 script
Installation in a development environment
In a development environment go to the PowerShell directory
- Ensure you are using the latest version of PowerShell, or download it here
- Rename the deploymentSettings_Other.xml file to deploymentSetting.xml
- Ensure you have compiled the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack Solution using the DEBUG option
- Execute the InstallAndRegisterFunctoids.ps1 script
You can download BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack from GitHub here:
Hi Sandro,
Thanks very much for the extensions!
Something is possibly not right with the get SSO config functoid:
Error:Transformation failed. The mapping does not exist. For Config Store applications, the config info has not been set.
Exception type: XTransformationFailureException
Source: Microsoft.XLANGs.Engine
Target Site: Void ApplyInMemoryTransform(System.Type, Microsoft.XLANGs.RuntimeTypes.TransformMetaData, System.Object[], System.IO.Stream[])
The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the exception occured
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.Service.ApplyInMemoryTransform(Type mapRef, TransformMetaData trfMetaData, Object[] outParams, Stream[] inStreams)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.Service.ApplyTransform(Type mapRef, Object[] outParams, Object[] inParams)
at VVAA.IMM.ITS.GCI.Orchestrations.ProcessITS_DA_to_CRM.segment1(StopConditions stopOn)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.SegmentScheduler.RunASegment(Segment s, StopConditions stopCond, Exception& exp)
Additional error information:
An error occurred during a call to extension function ‘SSORead’. See InnerException for a complete description of the error.
Exception type: XslTransformException
Source: System.Data.SqlXml
Target Site: System.Object Invoke(System.Object, System.Object[])
The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the exception occured
at System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlExtensionFunction.Invoke(Object extObj, Object[] args)
at System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlQueryContext.InvokeXsltLateBoundFunction(String name, String namespaceUri, IList`1[] args)
at (XmlQueryRuntime {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt-debug}runtime, XPathNavigator {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt-debug}current)
at (XmlQueryRuntime {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt-debug}runtime, XPathNavigator {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt-debug}current)
at Root(XmlQueryRuntime {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt-debug}runtime)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XmlILCommand.Execute(Object defaultDocument, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argumentList, XmlWriter writer)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.CompiledXsltWrapperTransform.Transform(IXPathNavigable input, XsltArgumentList arguments, Stream output, XmlResolver resolver)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.Service.ApplyInMemoryTransform(Type mapRef, TransformMetaData trfMetaData, Object[] outParams, Stream[] inStreams)
Additional error information:
The mapping does not exist. For Config Store applications, the config info has not been set.
Exception type: COMException
Source: SSOConfigStore.SSOConfigStore.1
Target Site: Void GetConfigInfo(System.String, System.String, Int32, Microsoft.EnterpriseSingleSignOn.Interop.IPropertyBag)
Help Link:
The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the exception occured
at Microsoft.EnterpriseSingleSignOn.Interop.ISSOConfigStore.GetConfigInfo(String applicationName, String identifier, Int32 flags, IPropertyBag properties)
at BizTalk.Configuration.Functoids.SSOConfig.SSORead(String appName, String propName)
The application name and property name are fine. Using the SSOSettingsFileReader.dll from BTDF I have no issues.
Any idea whats wrong?
Kind regards,
Radoslaw Merkx
I am having issues with the Default Value Mapping functoid. I can see the values coming in my source, but the output from the functoid does not return me any value. It gives me blank.