And the most expected email arrived once again on 1st January, thank you Microsoft for another wonderful start of New Year. Once again, I’m delighted to share that I was renewed as a Microsoft Azure MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional) in which, for the first time this year, is also added a second category to my Award: Visio MVP. This is my 7th straight year on the MVP Program, an amazing journey, and experience that started in 2011 as BizTalk MVP, which gave me the opportunity, and still does, to travel the world for speaking engagement, share the knowledge, and to meet the most amazing and skilled people in our industry.

As usual, I would like to thank:
- My MVP Lead Cristina Herrero
- The BizTalk Product Team and Azure Teams like Jim Harrer, Mandi Ohlinger, Tord G. Nordahl, Dan Rosanova, Jon Fancey, Paolo Salvatori, Kevin-Lam and Jeff-Hollan; Microsoft Portugal: Paulo Mena, Luís Calado, Ivo Ramos, Ricardo Jesus, Pedro Santos, and all other Microsoft employees involved;
- To DevScope (my company) and all my coworkers: no names here because all of them are amazing professionals – what an amazing team they are, so, thanks for all the support given.
- To all my fellow Microsoft Integration MVP’s: Nino Crudele, Steef-Jan Wiggers, Saravana Kumar, Kent Weare, Mikael Håkansson, Johan Hedberg, Tomasso Groenendijk, Salvatore Pellitteri, Richard Seroter, Stephen W. Thomas, Mick Badran, Michael Stephenson, Bill Chesnut, Thomas Canter, Nicholas Hauenstein, Sam Vanhoutte, Glenn Colpaert, Howard S. Edidin, Martin Abbott, Leonid Ganeline and Ashwin Prabhu for the support in this program.
- And special thanks to all my blog readers, friends and of course to BizTalk and Azure/Integration Community – there are so many that I don’t want to mention names so I don’t take the risk to forget someone.
Finally, my wife Fernanda, the kids Leonor and Laura (for all the “confusion and madness” they bring into my life), and to all members of my beautiful family… THANKS for all the support during these last years!
It’s a big honor to be in the program and I’m looking forward to another great year!
In my native language (Portuguese):
Obrigado Microsoft para outro maravilhoso início de Ano Novo. Estou muito feliz por poder partilhar com todos vocês que fui renomeado Microsoft Azure MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional)
Esta é a sétima vez que recebo este prémio e como é normal nestas ocasiões, gostaria de agradecer a todos os leitores do meu blog, amigos, a todos os membros da comunidade. Também gostaria de agradecer a minha MVP Lead Cristina Herrero, a todas as pessoas da Microsoft em especial à equipa de produto do BizTalk e Azure (Jim Harrer, Mandi Ohlinger, Tord G. Nordahl, Dan Rosanova, Jon Fancey, Paolo Salvatori, Kevin-Lam and Jeff-Hollan), Microsoft Portugal (Paulo Mena, Luís Calado, Ivo Ramos, Ricardo Jesus, Pedro Santos entre outros), a todos os meus colegas de trabalho na DevScope – que equipa maravilhosa, a todos os meus colegas Microsoft Integration MVP’s e a todos os MVP’s Portugueses .
Eu também gostaria de fazer um agradecimento muito especial à minha linda mulher Fernanda, as minhas traquininhas Laura e Leonor (por toda a “confusão e loucura” que trazem à minha vida) e à minha linda família por todo o seu suporte nestes últimos anos.
É uma grande honra estar no programa e espero continuar a contribuir para a comunidade BizTalk, e integração no geral, e a merecer o reconhecimento.
Congratulations Sandro
Sent from my iPhone
Congratulations Sandro! 🙂 All the best! Cheers
Congratulations, Sandro!