In the sequence of my last two posts, welcome back, once again (probably the last one for now), to this serial of articles about Monitor your BizTalk environment using PowerShell.
Today we will talk about a topic that a new topic, “How to monitor Host Instance in BizTalk Server using PowerShell”, and once again, we will add Auto Healing functionalities to the script.
One of the principal needs for BizTalk Administrators is the ability to monitor the health of BizTalk environments and react promptly to possible problems, you can accomplish this by using certain tools such as BizTalk Administration Console; BizTalk360; SCOM and much more… However, unfortunately, many times some of these tools are not available for us but we still need to accomplish this task.
There are a bunch of things that can go wrong and the longer they have in an error/failure situation, more impact could have in your business! So, we don’t just want to be notified of failures (that will always lead to a manual human intervention) but instead, when possible, be also able to try to automatically fix it, bringing them to the desired state (running, resumed, enable – depending on the artifact)
Note: This type of script must be viewed as a complement to the tools mentioned above or used in the absence of them.
So how can PowerShell help us?
With this script, you can be able to monitor your BizTalk environment for Host Instances that aren’t Started (Stopped, Start pending, Stop pending, Continue pending, Pause pending, Paused or Unknown), and automatically bring them to the desired state (Started) according to certain conditions, using PowerShell.
Only if the script finds any suspended messages a mail notification will be sent.
This script allows you to set:
- Set your email notification settings
#Set mail variables [STRING]$PSEmailServer = "mySMTPServer" #SMTP Server. [STRING]$SubjectPrefix = "Host instances not running - " [STRING]$From = "" $EmailTo = ("")
The following Windows PowerShell script is a fragment that will help us demonstrate these capabilities:
# Get Host instances not running [ARRAY]$hostInstances = get-wmiobject MSBTS_HostInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -filter '(HostType = 1 and ServiceState != 4)' foreach ($hostInstance in $hostInstances) { #Add mail content $mailBodyHI += "<th><b><font color='blue'>" + $hostInstance.Name + "</font></b></th>" $mailBodyHI += "<table style='boder:0px 0px 0px 0px;'>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:white;'><TD>Host Name</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD><b><font color='red'>" + $hostInstance.HostName + "</font></b></TD> </TR>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:rgb(245,245,245);';><TD>Host Type</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD>In-process</TD></TR>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:white;'><TD>Running Server</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD><b><font color='red'>" + $hostInstance.RunningServer + "</font></b></TD></TR>" # Stopped: 1 # Start pending: 2 # Stop pending: 3 # Running: 4 # Continue pending: 5 # Pause pending: 6 # Paused: 7 # Unknown: 8 if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 1) { $statusHI = "Stopped" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 2) { $statusHI = "Start pending" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 3) { $statusHI = "Stop pending" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 5) { $statusHI = "Continue pending" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 6) { $statusHI = "Pause pending" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 7) { $statusHI = "Paused" } if ($hostInstance.ServiceState -eq 8) { $statusHI = "Unknown" } $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:rgb(245,245,245);';><TD>Service State</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD><b><font color='red'>" + $statusHI + "</font></b></TD></TR>" #0: UnClusteredInstance #1: ClusteredInstance #2: ClusteredVirtualInstance if ($hostInstance.ClusterInstanceType -eq 0) { $statusHI = "UnClustered Instance" } if ($hostInstance.ClusterInstanceType -eq 1) { $statusHI = "Clustered Instance" } if ($hostInstance.ClusterInstanceType -eq 2) { $statusHI = "Clustered Virtual Instance" } $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:white;'><TD>Cluster Instance Type</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD>" + $statusHI + "</TD></TR>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:rgb(245,245,245);';><TD>Is Disabled</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD>" + $hostInstance.IsDisabled + "</TD></TR>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:white;'><TD>NT Group Name</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD>" + $hostInstance.NTGroupName + "</TD></TR>" $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:rgb(245,245,245);';><TD>Logon</TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD>" + $hostInstance.Logon + "</TD></TR>" #Auto-Healing feature if($hostInstance.IsDisabled = "False") { $hostInstance.InvokeMethod("Start",$null) $mailBodyHI += "<TR style='background-color:white;'><TD><font color='green'>Note</font></TD>" $mailBodyHI += "<TD><font color='green'>The Host Instance was started automatically by this script! Please access the environment to validate if all host instances are running.</font></TD></TR>" } $mailBodyHI += "</table>" $mailBodyHI += "<BR><BR>" }
Here is an example expected report output from running the Windows PowerShell script sample, if any of the Host Instances are in an unwanted state.
Note: This type of script must be viewed as a complement to the tools mentioned above or used in the absence of them. The script should also be adjusted to your needs.
You can download Monitoring BizTalk Host Instance with Auto-Healing with PowerShell from GitHub here: