And one more time we wretched to that special time of the year! And once again my sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers, friends, coworkers (amazing guys at DevScope), Microsoft BizTalk Community, all the Portuguese Communities, my MVP “family” and of course to my family.
Thanks in advance for all the support and encouragement given throughout this year. It was an incredible year for me, on both a personal and professional level and hope that the next will be a year filled with new articles, I promise that I will continue to share knowledge hoping that they can help someone.
The Microsoft Integration stack is full of new exciting things both on-premise and in the cloud (Logic Apps, API Apps, and PowerApps and so on) so we are expecting great challenges for 2016… so stay tuned!
Hope you have a beautiful holiday period with your near and dear ones.
Happy holidays!

And for the first time in my native language (Portuguese):
A todos os meus leitores, amigos, família e para todas as comunidades, os meus sinceros votos de um Bom Natal, um Feliz Ano Novo e um 2016 cheio de bons negócios, muita saúde, felicidade e claro muitas integrações.
Desde já obrigado por todo o apoio e incentivo dado ao longo deste ano e que o próximo seja um ano recheado de novos artigos, da minha parte fica a promessa que irei continuar a partilhar conhecimento na esperança de poder sempre ajudar alguém.