Debug BizTalk Custom Pipelines Components using Pipeline.exe utility – Pipeline file name is already specified Error

While trying to debug custom pipeline component using “Pipeline.exe” utility, I keep getting the following error message:

Pipeline file name is already specified
Error 80131600

First of all, to use Pipeline utility to debug custom components you have to edit the properties of your pipeline component project:

  • Select your pipeline component project
  • Right-click, and select the option “Properties”.
  • Select the tag Debug
    • In “Start Action”, select the option “Start external program” and select the Pipeline.exe utility
      • Common path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006\SDK\Utilities\PipelineToolsPipeline.exe
    • In “Start Options” you have to set the “Command line arguments” option:
      • path to your pipeline.btp” –d “path to your message” –c
Debug BizTalk Custom Pipelines Components


  • The path I was specifying to my.btp file wasn’t in quotes and spaces in the path were causing the problem
  • This applies also to the path of my message.


  • Put the path with quotes, my sample:
    • “C:\Development\MyProject\MyPipelines\MyReceivePipeline.btp” -d “C:\Development\MyProjec\Samples\MY_Message.txt” -c
Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community.

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