BAM Management Utility Commands – bm.exe

Posted: April 14, 2009  |  Categories: BAM BizTalk Deployment

You can use the BAM utility to perform the following tasks:

  • Consume BAM definition and BAM configuration XML as input. The BAM definition XML or XLS files define the data to track and aggregate, as well as the business end user’s view on the tracking data. The BAM configuration XML mandates where to deploy the infrastructure, such as the server name, database name, and other database settings.
  • Deploy the run-time infrastructure on the server, which includes the BAM Primary Import database, BAM Star Schema database, BAM Analysis database, and corresponding Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages. The following items are created during this step:
      • BAM Primary Import database
      • BAM Star Schema database
      • BAM Archive database
      • BAM Analysis database

BAM utility (bm.exe) does many things for you during the deployment of a XML or XLS file, like creating SQL tables, indexes, triggers, views, stored procedures, OLAP cubes, DTS packages, SQL and OLAP security roles etc.

How to use

In a very simple way:

To see the list of all commands or in other words, the help of the command, you can put:



bm.exe help

Note: You have to browse to the following directory: <installation path>\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server %version%\Tracking. ( where’s %version% can be 2006, 2009, 2010…)


setup-databases, migrate-sql
get-config, update-config
get-references, enable-reference, disable-reference
deploy-all, update-all, remove-all
get-activities, remove-activity
get-views, remove-view
get-alerts, remove-alerts
get-accounts, add-account, remove-account
get-subscriptions, add-subscription, remove-subscription
enable-alerts, disable-alerts
get-index, create-index, delete-index
get-activitywindow, set-activitywindow, get-rtawindow, set-rtawindow
update-livedataworkbook, regenerate-livedataworkbook

To get detailed help for a specific command:

      • “bm.exe help -Command:<command>” (that there is no space after “-Command:”)

For example:

bm.exe help -Command:get-config

List of Commands

Here is a table with the bm.exe commands in BizTalk Server:

BM utility command
bm.exe setup-databases bm.exe setup-databases -ConfigFile:BamConfiguration.xml
bm.exe migrate-sql bm.exe migrate-sql -From:sql2000 -To:sql2005 -NSUser:domainuser1

bm.exe migrate-sql -From:sql2000 -To:sql2005 -Server:MyServer -Database:db1

bm.exe get-config bm.exe get-config -FileName:MyConfig.xml
bm.exe update-config bm.exe update-config -FileName:MyConfig.xml
bm.exe get-references bm.exe get-references -Server:MyServer -Database:MyPrimaryImport
bm.exe enable-reference bm.exe enable-reference -TargetServer:MySrv -TargetDatabase:BamPrimaryImport
bm.exe disable-reference bm.exe disable-reference -TargetServer:MySrv -TargetDatabase:BamPI
bm.exe deploy-all bm.exe deploy-all -DefinitionFile:SalesManagerView.xls
bm.exe update-all bm.exe update-all -DefinitionFile:SalesManagerView.xls
bm.exe remove-all bm.exe remove-all -DefinitionFile:SalesManagerView.xls
bm.exe get-activity bm.exe get-activities -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe remove-activity bm.exe remove-activity -Name:PurchaseOrder
bm.exe get-views Bm.exe get-views
bm.exe remove-view bm.exe remove-view -Name:SalesManagerView
bm.exe get-alerts bm.exe get-alerts
bm.exe remove-alerts bm.exe remove-alerts -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe get-defxml bm.exe get-defxml -FileName:BAMDefinition.xml
bm.exe get-accounts bm.exe get-accounts -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe add-account bm.exe add-account -AccountName:domainuser -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe remove-account bm.exe remove-account -AccountName:domainuser -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe get-subscriptions bm.exe get-subscriptions -View:SalesManagerView -Alert:SalesTooLow
bm.exe add-subscription bm.exe add-subscription -View:v1 -Alert:a2 -AccountName:domainuser -Type:File
bm.exe remove-subscription bm.exe remove-subscription -View:v1 -Alert:a2 -AccountName:domainuser
bm.exe enable-alerts bm.exe enable-alerts -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe disable-alerts bm.exe disable-alerts -View:SalesManagerView
bm.exe get-index bm.exe get-index -Activity:PurchaseOrder
bm.exe create-index bm.exe create-index -IndexName:Idx1 -Activity:PO -Checkpoint:State,City
bm.exe delete-index bm.exe delete-index -IndexName:Idx1 -Activity:PO
bm.exe get-activitywindow bm.exe get-activitywindow -Activity:PurchaseOrder
bm.exe set-activitywindow bm.exe set-activitywindow -Activity:PurchaseOrder -TimeLength:6 -TimeUnit:Day
bm.exe get-rtawindow bm.exe get-rtawindow -View:ManagerView -Activity:PO -Rta:Rta1
bm.exe set-rtawindow bm.exe set-rtawindow -View:V -Activity:A -Name:R -TimeLength:5 -TimeUnit:Minute
bm.exe get-changes bm.exe get-changes
bm.exe update-livedataworkbook bm.exe update-livedataworkbook -Name:SalesManager_Live.xls
bm.exe regenerate-livedataworkbook bm.exe regenerate-livedataworkbook -WorkbookName:SalesManager_Live.xls
Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community.

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