May 9

Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user: NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Could not connect ...

In my last post, I described how can you fix the issue regarding: Executed as user: BIZDEMO\saspereira Could not find server 'BIZDEMO' in sysservers Verify

By Sandro Pereira

May 8

Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user ”. Could not find server in sys.servers....

After you install and configure a BizTalk Server Azure Virtual Machine, the first time you try to run the main BizTalk Server job: Backup BizTalk Server

By Sandro Pereira

Mar 6

BizTalk Server Community Extensions Utility Packs GitHub Repository

During the last years I developer and make it available several BizTalk projects like tools, components (functoids, adapters, …) or samples on several

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 28

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack is now available for BizTalk Server 2016

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack is a set of libraries with several useful functoids to include and use it in a map, which will provide an extension of

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 9

The birth of a new SSO Application Configuration Tool for BizTalk Server 2016

Happy to announce the birth of a new SSO Application Configuration tool that will provide the ability to easily add and manage configuration applications, add

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 8

BizTalk Assessment: How to check what BizTalk Server 2016 Feature Packs are installed on your Ser...

We cannot rely on documentation if they exist, to be accurate, especially regarding the status of the machines present in the environment that tell us what is

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 11

BizTalk Cumulative Update installation error: Cannot proceed with installation Biztalk server pac...

“Cannot proceed with installation Biztalk server pack is installed”, it is not the first time that I encounter this problem, the first time was while I

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 9

DTA Purge and Archive (BizTalkDTADb) job: Procedure or function dtasp_PurgeTrackingDatabase has t...

I normally advise my clients or partners to “religious” follow the order and steps of my BizTalk Server Installation and Configuration guide, an advice

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 5

BizTalk Server 2016: Could not load file or assembly “Oracle.DataAccess, Version=,...

It is not the first time, neither will be the last that I encountered similar problems like this one or the same problem with earlier versions, we call it DLL

By Sandro Pereira

Sep 8

Microsoft BizTalk 2016 Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) Configuration Wizard: A BizTalk Isolate...

While trying to document, or better update my RosettaNet installation and configuration guide, I got a very strange (but by now I should know that nothing is

By Sandro Pereira

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