Pop quiz to win Free Production Bronze License of BizTalk360. How many times did you hear “BizTalk is dead”?
- Never.
- Once or twice
- Hundred times.
- I stopped counting…
If you agreed with the last two statements, this post and tool are definitely for you (because BizTalk is alive and well, even better, it has never been so good!). If you agreed with the first two, well, you’re a new kid on block but you’re still on time to learn this amazing platform.
You might have just realized that BizTalk360 is my main sponsor and once again I need to say to BizTalk360 team, THANK YOU! for the incredible work they have done.
I decided to go one step further and request more. What better way to this “blog premiere” than to distribute through the magnificent BizTalk Server community some amazing prizes… So, I decided to convince my sponsor to provide me some licenses of their products and good news… I GOT IT!!
The first contest I have 1 FREE PRODUCTION BRONZE LICENSE OF BIZTALK360 to give away, courtesy of BizTalk360.
Contest: “BizTalk360 License”
What do you need to do to participate in this contest?
All you have to do is sign-up for the Free 14 days trial version and activate the license in one or more of your BizTalk Environments (could be dev box, QA or Production)
Closing date: March 31th, 2017.
BizTalk360 Context Terms of participation
What are the rules?
- Once you have activated your trial license, simply email the trial license code to my email address sandro-pereira@live.com.pt with the subject line: “Contest – BizTalk360 License”.
- Along with that information, please provide your first and last name and your country.
One contestant will win:
The award will be distributed by lottery and the license will be sent to the winner through email by BizTalk360.
Good luck!
PS: If you have never heard about BizTalk360 (possible only if you are a new kid in the BizTalk world) you can glance through the product features here https://www.biztalk360.com/one-platform-biztalk-server/.