3th Edition of 101 Talk Arena is here and now I’m joining forces with Nino Crudele to interview the one and the only Michael Stephenson!
Michael Stephenson is a highly experienced Cloud Architect who has many years working with large enterprise customers delivering integration solutions with Microsoft technologies on-premise, in the cloud, and with hybrid technologies. Not only he is a brilliant mind, and an unstoppable researcher, he is also a regular blogger and host of Integration Monday!
He is a good friend, and it will be an honor to have him with us on February 18th, 2021, at 2 PM UTC. Once again this will be an open conversation about Integration and Azure:
- Cloud automation
- Serverless patterns and practices
- Today Integration landscape
- BizTalk migration
- and many more topics
I will invite all of you to join us it is free. This is a one to one talk without filters, no marketing, nothing planned, and where people can also jump in with any question.
Sesson is now available on youtube: