For some reason after having migrated a BizTalk Server 2006/Visual Studio 2005 solution to BizTalk 2010/VS 2010 using VS Conversion Wizard, I got the following error:
“Errors exist for one or more children.”
Following for another saying he did not recognize a certain message, which honestly was a little strange, I should have a total of about 20 “false” errors.
Typically this problem is usually associated with problems in Orchestration Designer “refactoring” or “graphical interpretation” and in a certain way it isn’t a “valid error”, ie, it doesn’t describe the real problem.
Usually this error is followed by a red indicator on the shape; however this was not my case, I had no indicator, but had the same error.
If you have a shape indicator, enter in the shape:
- Copy and delete the existing code and press ok to leave the shape;
- Go back to the shape again and put the same code there;
- Compile the project again;
In my case, I did the same strategy on the first shape where I had code (Message Assignment) that referenced the message that he said that did not recognize.
Didn’t have a red indicator on my shape either. Fixed my problem & saved me a lot of time. Thanks!
No idea how you worked this out but thank you. You saved mea lot of time too
Got this error as well, turned out I had a type in my orchestration view that wasn’t configured. It showed the indicator but it was hidden at the bottom of my list.
I have got this error many times but I have solved it in different way, just open the odx in text editor and manually delete that statement i.e, “Errors exist for one or more children.” save after it and compile it and it worked in my cases. Try it 🙂
This last solution (delete the errortext in de odx-file with notepad) is brilliant!