Jul 3

BizTalk Schema Problems: The type or namespace name ‘SerializableAttributeAttribute’ ...

An error never comes alone When an error appears, it always appears two or three, and I still have thousands to published, but this one made me crazy for a

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 2

BizTalk Deploy operation failed… Assembly “XY” references the following assembl...

I’m back with “Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions” and this time targeting developers - BizTalk Deploy operation failed - that work until late

By Sandro Pereira

May 9

Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user: NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Could not connect ...

In my last post, I described how can you fix the issue regarding: Executed as user: BIZDEMO\saspereira Could not find server 'BIZDEMO' in sysservers Verify

By Sandro Pereira

May 8

Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user ”. Could not find server in sys.servers....

After you install and configure a BizTalk Server Azure Virtual Machine, the first time you try to run the main BizTalk Server job: Backup BizTalk Server

By Sandro Pereira

Dec 18

BizTalk Pipeline does not open with BizTalk Pipeline Editor! Instead it opens with the XML (Text)...

In the sequence of one of my last blog posts, I notice that in the same project also while trying to open a BizTalk pipeline inside Visual Studio, again,

By Sandro Pereira

Nov 27

BizTalk Orchestration does not open with BizTalk Orchestration Designer! Instead, it opens with t...

While trying to open a BizTalk Orchestration inside Visual Studio, normally a simple and easy double-click operation to open the BizTalk Orchestration

By Sandro Pereira

Nov 10

BizTalk Server: Creation of Adapter WCF-SQL Configuration Store entries failed. Access denied.

This week while configuring and optimizing a brand-new BizTalk Server 2016 environment we got the following error message while trying to configure register

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 11

BizTalk Cumulative Update installation error: Cannot proceed with installation Biztalk server pac...

“Cannot proceed with installation Biztalk server pack is installed”, it is not the first time that I encounter this problem, the first time was while I

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 10

BizTalk Server Configuration error: The backup file could not be created. (SSO)

Some clients have restricted rules regarding what to install content in the C (the default) hard drive For some of them, C drive is just for the operating

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 9

DTA Purge and Archive (BizTalkDTADb) job: Procedure or function dtasp_PurgeTrackingDatabase has t...

I normally advise my clients or partners to “religious” follow the order and steps of my BizTalk Server Installation and Configuration guide, an advice

By Sandro Pereira

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