May 26

New release: Managing and cleaning BizTalk Server MarkLog database tables: sp_DeleteBackupHistory...

Almost three weeks ago in my last post I release a SQL script to manage and delete the unnecessary records in the BizTalk “MarkLog” tables according to

By Sandro Pereira

May 6

Managing and cleaning BizTalk Server MarkLog database tables according to some Best Practices

All the BizTalk databases which is being backed up by the 'Backup BizTalk Server' job, so all databases with the exception of the BAM Star Schema database

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 15

A different way to Force a Full Backup of the BizTalk Server databases

BizTalk Server databases and their health are very important for a successful BizTalk Server database messaging environment BizTalk is shipped out with a

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 26

How to create a Maintenance Plan to delete BizTalk Database Backups files

BizTalk Server database databases and their health are very important for a successful BizTalk Server database messaging environment This is nothing new and

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 4

How to configure SQL Server Network Protocols in the SQL Server that houses BizTalk Server databa...

Today is a special day for me, it’s my birthday, and I will continue the tradition of giving something to the community on this day (I started this

By Sandro Pereira

Dec 4

BAM Portal Errors – Failed to list permissions for BAM view. System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullVa...

I decided to put the name of the error in the post title but this post also could be called “Why you shouldn’t delete Active Directory accounts (if you

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 29

“Cannot open database ‘…’ requested by the login. The login failed” or “The EXE...

It's very common for orchestrations to access databases or executing stored procedures Whether this access is done by SQL Adapter, WCF-SQL adapter or through

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 26

Some considerations that we should have when migrating databases to a new SQL Server

This post is not really about BizTalk… but since I've been configuring several environments in my client I decided to take these notes Basically, we have

By Sandro Pereira

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