Integration Down Under | How we are using Microsoft Integration features and related Azure techno...
I may be writing less on my blog as I frequently do, this will change soon, but this year of this is being very productive in terms of lectures 4 in 4 months
Processing Feedback Evaluations (paper) automagically with SmartDocumentor OCR, Microsoft Flow &a...
Some time ago I wrote a blog post on how to Process Feedback Evaluations (paper) automagically with SmartDocumentor OCR, Logic Apps, Azure Functions and Power
Flow’s to the help: How to extend SmartDocumentor OCR receive processing points (or locatio...
Following my last blog post on how to “Processing Feedback Evaluations (paper) automagically with SmartDocumentor OCR, Logic Apps, Azure Functions &
Processing Feedback Evaluations (paper) automagically with SmartDocumentor OCR, Logic Apps, Azure...
For years, paper forms have been the preferred way for people, enterprises and/or event organizers to collect data in their offices (coffee breaks or launch),
My sessions at TUGA IT 2017 | May 18th–20th | Lisbon ,Portugal
We are 3-days away of Tuga IT 2017 to return to Lisbon! This year, in addition to organizing the integration track, I will also present 2 sessions, one