Jul 3

BizTalk Server WCF-OracleDB: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

There are so many blog posts in draft mode on my OneNote that I'm taking a little time to dispatch them Today, I have another Error and Warning, Cause, and

By Sandro Pereira

Mar 18

BizTalk Oracle Adapter error: The assembly required for type mapping not found.

Today while I was developing a new BizTalk Server solution that communicates with the Oracle database, I encountered a familiar issue that I forgot to

By Sandro Pereira

Sep 10

BizTalk WCF-OracleDB Error: Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.ConnectionException —> O...

Yesterday I was troubleshooting a WCF-OracleDB issue on BizTalk Server 2016, and I got surprised, or not, by the lack of information that I was receiving

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 6

BizTalk WCF-ORACLEDB Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-00942: table or view does not ...

Following my previous blog post, OracleDataAccessClientOracleException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, and once I was able to solve that last

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 2

BizTalk WCF-ORACLEDB Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: The provider is not compatible wit...

I'm back to one of my favorite topics, error, warnings, cause, and solutions blog post – still have plenty of them in my backlog to be published I

By Sandro Pereira

May 18

Visual Studio BizTalk Schema Generator Wizard error: Error occurred while creating the BizTalk po...

After several days migrating BizTalk open-source contributions like BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack, BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility

By Sandro Pereira

Aug 24

BizTalk WCF-ORACLEDB error: This is because either (a) ambient transaction is present and the TNS...

Another day, another error to report – still have plenty of them in my backlog to be published, they are an “easy and quick way” to publish something on

By Sandro Pereira

Aug 20

BizTalk WCF-ORACLEDB error: PL/SQL: ORA-00917: missing comma

In the last months, I have been working with ORACLE adapter, mainly doing direct insert operations on ORACLE tables and as you might imagine, I found some

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 5

BizTalk Server 2016: Could not load file or assembly “Oracle.DataAccess, Version=,...

It is not the first time, neither will be the last that I encountered similar problems like this one or the same problem with earlier versions, we call it DLL

By Sandro Pereira

Aug 21

BizTalk Could not load file or assembly ‘Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neut...

Recently I work on a project when I need to communicate with the Oracle database in which I encountered some platform configuration problems In general,

By Sandro Pereira

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