Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Cannot open backup ...
Another day, another error to report directly retrieved from my backlog to be published Today is about another error that can happen on the Backup BizTalk
Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user: NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Could not connect ...
In my last post, I described how can you fix the issue regarding: Executed as user: BIZDEMO\saspereira Could not find server 'BIZDEMO' in sysservers Verify
Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user ”. Could not find server in sys.servers....
After you install and configure a BizTalk Server Azure Virtual Machine, the first time you try to run the main BizTalk Server job: Backup BizTalk Server
Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) job failed with BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because ther...
Recently, I was writing a new article “BizTalk Server Tips and Tricks: How to Backup (other) BizTalk Custom Databases” (that will be released soon as a