Sandro Pereira Blog

My notes about Enterprise Integration: BizTalk Server, Service Bus, Logic Apps, API Management, Flow, PowerApps and everything Integration related.

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Sandro Pereira

Nov 8

Friday Fact: I’m a BizTalk developer planning to learn Azure Integration Services. Which to...

It is not the first time people have addressed me with these types of questions: I've been working with BizTalk for around x amount of years and am

By Sandro Pereira

Nov 5

Deploy Azure Resources with Terraform – Storage Account Containers

Well first we need to understand what is terraform and what is used for Terraform is an open-source tool designed for automating and managing

By Luis Rigueira

Nov 1

Friday Fact: VS Code Do Not Allow Logic Apps Standard Incremental Workflow Deployment

When working with Logic Apps Standard in Visual Studio Code, it’s important to note that deploying a workflow from one project can overwrite existing

By Luis Rigueira

Oct 30

SQL Server Integration Services Error: Connecting to the Integration Services service on the comp...

Sometimes, it is fun to install new BizTalk Server environments, especially if you are not in the process/responsible for installing its prerequirements This

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 29

SQL Server Error while trying to delete Job: Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent i...

Today, while installing a brand new BizTalk Server environment and after the first attempt to configure BizTalk Server failed, I encountered this error while

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 28

SQL Server Management Studio: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.

Some time ago, I wrote a similar blog post describing this exact same error message while using the WCF-SQL Adapter of the BizTalk Server Today, I encountered

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 25

Friday Fact: Logic App GA designer now offers Seamless Transition from designer view to Code View...

Update Good news for Logic Apps developers! Remember when the new Logic App Designer's GA version didn't allow you to directly jump to the code view In

By Luis Rigueira

Oct 18

Friday Fact: You can now send a 100 MB message to a Service Bus Queue or Topic

Azure Service Bus has several size limits and restrictions that developers should be aware of when designing and deploying their messaging solutions These

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 17

How to monitor your integrations solutions with Automation Account video

And the saga continues My crusade to find sessions I delivered in the past found a new treasury This time, I will present the video of a session I delivered

By Sandro Pereira

Oct 16

Logic Apps: New Set Of Best Practices, Tips and Tricks video

I have already mentioned this session on my blog, but I never shared the video, so that will fit on the crusade to find sessions I delivered in the past that

By Sandro Pereira

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