Sandro Pereira Blog

My notes about Enterprise Integration: BizTalk Server, Service Bus, Logic Apps, API Management, Flow, PowerApps and everything Integration related.

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Sandro Pereira

Jun 13

Is BAM Tools a prerequisite for EDI/AS2 Runtime in BizTalk Server 2010?

Triggered by a question in BizTalk Forum, I started researching and testing if really BAM Tool is a requirement to install for EDI/AS2 Runtime

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 6

Visio 2010 Stencil for BizTalk Server Updated

After the unexpected success of my previous post and some requests, I decided to spend half of my weekend improving the stencil by adding more

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 1

BizTalk Server 2010 Cumulative Update Package 1 available

Cumulative update package 1 for BizTalk Server 2010 is now available This cumulative update for Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010 contains hotfixes for

By Sandro Pereira

May 30

Visio 2010 Stencil for BizTalk Server

After some research, I found some old Visio icons for BizTalk Server, posted by Thiago Almeida However, they don’t work very well, especially when I tried

By Sandro Pereira

May 26

Steps to prepare your BizTalk environment for diagnostics

In the past, I publish an article about “An unhandled exception ('<SystemStackOverflowException>') occurred in BTSNTSvcexe” with the promise that I

By Sandro Pereira

May 12

Inner exception: The event log file is full: The service instance will remain suspended until adm...

In the past, while testing with a large volume of messages in a lab environment in one of my client machines, the processes started to get suspended with the

By Sandro Pereira

May 11

BizTalk Deploy Error: Could not enlist orchestration ‘MyAssembley’. Object reference ...

Today after I deploy and configure a new version of an existing solution, I tried to start the application and it gave me the following error: TITLE:

By Sandro Pereira

May 11

BizTalk Error Message – An unhandled exception (‘System.StackOverflowException’) occu...

It's very common to use NET code for orchestration support In one of these scenarios, I decide to use a class for, in a certain way, validate the request and

By Sandro Pereira

May 8

BizTalk – How to debug Custom Pipeline Components running on Isolated Host

Normally we can debug almost all pipeline components in run-time mode by attaching Visual Studio to “BTSNTSvcexe” process (see: Debugging External

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 19

Curiosities: BizTalk codenames

In the past I wrote an article about BizTalk Server, all logos over time…, now while searching on the web, I came across with a funny curiosity: BizTalk

By Sandro Pereira

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