If you do not know it already, here is a cool feature available in the globally available designer.
You can resubmit your Logic App From a specific action, this can help you in cases where you have large workflows and only need a portion of the Logic App to run again, that can save you time and effort, especially when debugging or testing workflows.
For example if you have a large workflow but only need to rerun a specific portion—maybe to fix an error or test from a certain action. Instead of resubmitting the entire workflow, you can restart from the exact action you choose, saving time and resources.
Simply navigate to the action where you want to resume execution in the designer, and click on Submit from this action. By resubmitting from that point onward, you can run only the necessary parts of your workflow, It’s a quick way to verify corrections, troubleshoot errors, or even reprocess data without starting from scratch.

This might just simplify your workflow management!
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