And the saga continues. My crusade to find sessions I delivered in the past found a new treasury. This time, I will present the video of a session I delivered on Global Automation Bootcamp 2022 about How to monitor your integration solutions with an Automation Account video.
In this session, we will address how you can monitor your integration solutions using an Azure Automation Account running PowerShell Runbooks and Logic Apps to notify inconsistencies in your artifact solutions like:
- Broken API Connections
- Orphaned API Connections
- Service Bus Queue or dead-letter message size or count
- Logic App disabled or failing
- and so on.
It is a different way to monitor your solutions but also very efficient.
Monitoring your systems or platforms is a crucial aspect of any organization. Based on my experience, all your clients will tell you that external or internal partners monitor all the platforms or applications. Nevertheless, when disasters occur or are in the process of happening, guess what? Your team will be the last to know.
I hope you find this helpful! If you liked the content or found it useful and want to help me write more, you can buy (or help me buy) my son a Star Wars Lego!