This last few days were quite busy in terms of speaking engagements. In less than 1 months I was invited to speak in 3 events: BizTalk Innovation Day Oslo, LIX Edition of SQLPort Community (Porto – Portugal) and in SQLSaturday #341 – Porto, Portugal.
BizTalk Innovation Day Oslo 2014
The first one was on September 25 – BizTalk Innovation Day Oslo, in which I am also a member of the organization team – BizTalkCrew, this was the third consecutive year that this event was third consecutive year but the first time in Oslo, since the others were held in Stavanger. Around 60 attendees + speakers + event organizers, attended the event especially from Norway and Sweden, 5 Microsoft Integration MVP’s present, 3 Sponsors (Microsoft, Bouvet, and BizTalk360) and an incalculable number of networking hours these are some of the numbers that reflect the success of this event. These are some of the numbers that reflect the great success of this event!
This was a special event for me! Because after 1 year and a half of hard work I finally release and publicly announce my free Book about “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices” – a 400-page recipe for BizTalk Developers to develop effective, robust, and organized maps that he has previous announce during the BizTalk Summit 2014, London event.

You can download it at BizTalk360 website here.
My Session – The new Transform Designer available in BizTalk Services
My session was about the new Transform Designer available in BizTalk Services were I addressed the basic differences between the BizTalk Server Mapper and the new Mapper in BizTalk Services, the challenges present while migrating current BizTalk Server maps and how can this task be accomplished. And of course, how can we accomplish some of the basic transformation tasks like grouping, sorting and condition transformations. I end my presentation with a very complex transformation challenge that took me a week to solve: mapping an SAP invoice to an EDI Invoice document and wrapping up with the “the good, the bad and the ugly” features of the new Transform Designer.

You can see the full story of the event here: BizTalk Innovation Day, Oslo – story of the day

LIX Encontro da Comunidade SQLPort
The second event was a 20-minute talk in the LIX Edition of SQLPort Community meeting in Porto, Portugal about the Concepts and Challenges of Enterprise Integration and how can BizTalk Server and BizTalk Services address them and help organizations in their needs. An Introduction to BizTalk Server. What is? What does BizTalk do? And an Introduction to BizTalk Services. What is? What does BizTalk Services do?

SQLSaturday #341 – Porto
This was the fourth time that this conference took place in Portugal, but it was the first time that was held in Porto, so was very proud and honor to be selected by the attendees to speak in my first SQLSaturday and in particular to be in my hometown. The event was a great success! 22 sessions divided into three tracks, national and international speakers and despise I don’t have official numbers, more than 200 attendees must have passed by the event during the day.
My Session – Introduction to Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services
I had the pleasure to speak at SQLSaturday #341 Porto to a bright young audience that never heard about BizTalk Server/Services… Hoping to open the door for a new integration “BizTalk” genius and why not working with me!
In this session spoke about the existent functionalities in the new integration services in the cloud: Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services: EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), the challenges in moving from BizTalk Server to BizTalk Services. And the evolving challenges of Enterprise Integration.
I was also honored to represent my company DevScope, a gold sponsor of this event, in the awards ceremony session. DevScope has offered an entry to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Master Class that will be held on November 22 in Porto