I public announced for the first time that I was working on an eBook about BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices, and that it would be published for free, this March during BizTalk Summit 2014 London… Well, folks, it’s that time to announce that “BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices” book – a 400-page recipe for BizTalk Developers to develop effective, robust, and organized maps – is now finally available for you to download at BizTalk360 website here.
The “BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices” book is a reference guide mainly intended for BizTalk developers to make their day-to-day lives easier. The book offers insights on how maps work, the most common patterns in real-time scenarios, and the best practices to carry out transformations and has as technical reviewers Steef-Jan Wiggers, Nino Crudele, Michael Stephenson and José António Silva. I had been working on this over the last one year, and my original idea of publishing this information in my blog changed over time to become a white paper, then finally to a “Community eBook” with about 400-pages and contributions from so many people. I need to thank BizTalk360 for accepting the challenge of publishing its first book and make it available to the community and my employer, DevScope, for giving me a lot of leverage to spend time writing this book but also to actively contribute to the community of BizTalk with articles, blog, and conferences.
I would also like to thank my fantastic team of Technical Reviewers composed by three Integration MVP’s: Michael Stephenson, Nino Crudele and Steef-Jan Wiggers and for the person responsible for the initial idea: José António Silva. Thank you for accepting the challenge and thank you for the incredible effort and time to increase the quality of the book. And also to my friend Sónia Gomes (http://ideiasaoscaracois.com) for creating this amazing cover for the book.
Key Features
- Direct Translation Pattern: Simply move data to a different semantic representation without any manipulation or transformation.
- Data Translation Pattern: Similar to Direct Translation Pattern with the additional step of data manipulation or transformation to match the target system format.
- Content Enricher Pattern: Set up access to an external data source (say, a database) to enhance the message with missing information.
- Aggregator Pattern: Similar to Content Enricher Pattern but a different mapping technique. Multiple inbound requests mapped to a single outbound request.
- Content Filter Pattern: Opposite of Content Enricher Pattern; remove unnecessary items from a message (even based on condition) and send what is exactly required
- Splitter Pattern: Opposite of Aggregator Pattern; single inbound request to be mapped to several outbound requests
- Grouping Pattern: Example – shopping catalog where items are grouped into categories like Sports, Women Cosmetics, Electronics, Computers, and so on.
- Sorting Pattern: In most scenarios, Grouping Pattern and Sorting Pattern will be bound together
- Conditional Pattern: To receive only a portion of the data from the message, apply a condition statement to filter the result set at the source.
- Looping Pattern: For instance, a record in the source system may occur multiple times in the input file. They need to be transformed according to the target system
- Canonical Data Model Pattern: Ensures loose coupling between applications; if a new application is added, only the transformation between the Canonical Data Model has to be created.
- Name-Value Transformation Pattern: Target system requires a Name-Value Pair (NVP) structure, or the source system has an NVP structure and the target requires a hierarchical schema
Click here to download your free copy of the book.
Why I did not choose a “proper” publisher?
Some people have asked me why I didn’t publish my book in a real proper publisher like Apress, Packt Publishing or others and the reason is simple… I could easily and had the chance to publish but it would be a paid book and what I really wanted was to create and deliver to the community my first book (I don’t know if I will write or not more books) for free as a way to thank you for the affection and support that all of you have given me in the last years.
BizTalk360 was the proper choice because I know the people and I know I could count on them to publish making it available to the community for free and promote the book.
When was the book released?
The book was publicly announced during the BizTalk Innovation Day, Oslo (Norway) 2014 event and I could not have chosen a better place and audience to present my book because the idea of creating this book started after a session of one of our events: BizTalk Innovation Day Oporto, the venue was really amazing in a kind of nightclub for event (actually MESH is also a nightclub J) and the Norwegian audience is really amazing and I have good friends there.
Here is the moment of the official announcement:
Please give me your feedback
Your opinion is very important to me. I appreciate your feedback and I will use it to evaluate changes and make improvements in the book and future projects.
Download the book for free
The book is available for you to download for free at BizTalk360 website here: BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices
Congratulations my dear friend. Thank you for your huge contribution. It’s pretty dificult write a single post, I can’t imagine how hard it is to write an entire book. So Thank You! I want my copy 🙂
Thanks Ruth!
You can download it for free at BizTalk360 website here: http://www.biztalk360.com/biztalk-mapping-patterns/
Great, We are having a good learning opportunity and this is all possible by your effort.
Congrats on authoring an excellent book. It belongs in every BizTalk developers Reference Books folder.
Reblogged this on BizTalk on Fhir and commented:
Excellent book on mapping from the mapping expert
Really great job, the book flows really good, I love the outline that repeats for each topic. I loved the coverage on mapping patterns and strategies for complex standards. Focus on best practices, performance and maintainability. An important BizTalk book.
Thanks is great help for my!! i liked so much your book!!! Greetings from colombia!
Great Book Sandro!!! Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing such a knowledge for free!!!
Thank you Sandro…