As I promised, this will be my second demo about Windows Azure Service Bus EAI/EDI Labs – April 2012 release
This second demo is a Customers Orders Routing scenario and intends to show some of the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) capabilities in the cloud, especially how we can perform content based routing in EAI Bridges. The goal is to send order messages to the cloud (EAI Brigde), apply transformation, Enrich properties in the Bridge (like Property promotion) and Route messages; and treat them in different ways – different transformation, different endpoint like queues or different lob targets:
- If is a top priority message we need to put the message in SQL table on-premise: “CustomerOrders”;
- If is a normal message we put in a Azure Queue: “CustomerOrderQueue” (that we need to create in the AppFabric lab portal;
- And if was an invalid message we put the message in another SQL table on-premise: “IncorrectOrders”
In this demo will show also how we can apply Route Filters and Route Action.
I will not show all the steps needed to develop this project, like create schemas or maps. You can learn this steeps in my previous post: Using EAI Bridges and LOB Target to connect to on-premises SQL Server, instead I will focus on the development/configuration of the EAI Bridges.
Note: The source code of the project that is available to download will contain all the scripts to create the database used in this demo. The database in composed by two simple but different tables:
- CustomerOrders (PONumber, CustomerName, ProductName and Quantity)
- IncorrectOrders (PONumber, CustomerName and OrderDate)
Create Service Bus EAI Project
The first thing of course is to create a new Visual Studio project:
- Open Visual Studio 2010, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
- Under “Installed Templates”, select “Visual C# à “ServiceBus” template
- And then select “Enterprise Application Integration” project type
- Finally, give a name to your project: “CustomersOrdersRoutingDemo”
By default “BridgeConfiguration.bcs” is open after we create a new project. For now, we will close this file (window).
After we create our project: “CustomersOrdersRoutingDemo” we need to add the following input schema:
- A best practice always is to rename the root node, in your sample, rename to “CustomerOrder”
- Under “CustomerOrder” create the followind sctructure:
The next step is to generate the SQL Schemas, again this process is explained in detail in my last post and the basic difference between this demo and the last is that we need to select to Insert operations so:
- In the Enterprise Application Integration project, from Server Explorer, expand ServiceBus Connect Servers
- Then expand the server (URL), and the “LOB Types”
- Right-click SQL type, and select Add SQL Target.
- The Add a Target wizard starts. In the welcome page, click “Next”.
- On the Connection Parameters page, specify the details for the SQL Server to connect to (name of the server, the SQL instance and the name of the database (Catalog)) and the credentials to use for the connection (leave the option Use Windows credentials credentials checked.). Click “Next”.
- On the Operations page we will specify the operations that we want to provide, in this demo I will choose only the insert operation::
- From the left box, expand Tables, expand “Tables à CustomOrders”, select Insert, and then click the right arrow. The Insert operation must now be listed under the “Selected operations” section.
- From the left box, expand Tables, expand “Tables à IncorrectOrders”, select Insert, and then click the right arrow. The Insert operation must now be listed under the “Selected operations” section.
- Click Next.
- Then you need to continue with the remaining steps of the Wizard until the end.
The next steap is to import these schemas to our project:
- Select the Project name and in the LOB Target created previous, right-click and select the option “Add Schemas to <project name>..”
- This will open a new window were you can defined:
- A file name prefix, in my case I put “sqldemo_”
- Folder Name, leave the default
- And set the Lob credentials, leave the default value
- Click “OK”
You will notice that a folder with the SQL Schemas was created in you project.
Create a map
The next step is to create two maps that will transform the input message “CustomerOrder” in the desired message type to send to the SQL.
The first map that we will call “CustomerOrderToSQLOrderInsert.trfm” will transform the input message “CustomerOrder” to the insert schema of the CustomerOrders table. This is a very basic mapping transformation.
The second map, “CustomerOrderToSQLIncorrectOrderInsert.trfm”, will transform the input message “CustomerOrder” to the insert schema of the IncorrectOrders table. Again this is a very basic mapping transformation.
And the only thing we can mention and explain is this new Operation (aka functoid if we make an analogy with BizTalk): “Generate Date Time”.
If you are a BizTalk Developer you will be accustomed to use the annoying “Date and Time” functoid. Annoying because if you need to customize the format of the date… basically you need to create your own scripting functoid because the output format of the “Date and Time” functoid is always CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. But now we have a brand new and amazing operation to generate date/time and guess what… it supports the customization of the output format date!!!
And is not the only news in terms of “Data / Time Operations”! Again if you are a BizTalk Developer know how annoying it is to do dates conversions inside BizTalk Mapper, but now will also have:
- DateTime Reformat operation: where we can set the input format of the date and define the correct output format
- And Adjust TimeZone operation: where for a specified input date we set the input TimeZone and define the correct output TimeZone of the date
Please! For when these functoids will also be AVAILABLE in BizTalk maps?
Configuring and deploying an EAI Bridge
Finally the most important of this demo the creation and configuration of our EAI Bridge (commonly referred to as pipelines).
Like I mention in the beginner this will be our goal: we will send messages to the cloud (EAI Brigde), apply transformation, Enrich properties in the Bridge (like Property promotion in BizTalk) and Route messages; and treat them in different ways – different transformation, different endpoint like queues or different lob targets:
- If is a top priority message we need to put the message in SQL table on-premise: “CustomerOrders”;
- If is a normal message we put in a Azure Queue: “CustomerOrderQueue” (that we need to create in the AppFabric lab portal;
- And if was an invalid message we put the message in another SQL table on-premise: “IncorrectOrders”
To accomplished that we need to:
- On the solution explorer window, open the bridge configuration surface file: “BridgeConfiguration.bcs”
- If I have to make a comparation between BizTalk, this file, for me, will be like the BizTalk Administration Console where we create our receive port and receive location, define the pipeline associated with this location, where we are able to set a transformation, create filters to subscrive the messages and create send ports – of course without orchestrations.
- The first thing we need to do is to set our Service Namespace:
- Right-click anywhere on the bridge configuration surface and click Properties and then for the Service Namespace property, specify the registered service namespace.
- If we open the Toolbox windows and Drag and drop an XML One-Way Bridge from toolbox to the Bridge Configuration surface and set this entity name to “OrderBridgeRouting”.
- STEP 1: Double click the XML One-Way Bridge on the bridge configuration surface to configure the bridge.
- In this Bridge we will not apply any transformation we only will specify the input schema and Enrich the message (similar to property promotion in BizTalk) by extracting specified properties from the message. The extracted properties will then be used to route the message to different destinations.
- On the XML One-Way Bridge design surface, within the Message Types box, click the add icon “plus” (+) to open the Message Type Picker dialog box.
- In the Message Type Picker dialog box, from the Available message types box, select the “CustomerOrders” message type, click the right arrow icon “right arrow” to associate the request schema with the Bridge and then click OK.
- We can validate the message by setting the property “Report Warnings as Errors” to true in the Validate stage.
- Note: Because we need to route the message based in some of its properties we need the Enrich the message in the Enrich stage. Again if we are a BizTalk Developer we are accustomed to promote the properties directly in our schemas, in ServiceBus EAI project this is slightly different and we need or can do this in two different stages: in the pre-transform Enrich stage and in the post-transform Enrich stage – this means that we can extract values from the message before and after we apply a transformation.
- Configure the pre-transform Enrich stage to extract the value of the “Priority” and “Quantity” elements from the source schema.
- Within the Enrich stage, select the Enrich activity, and then from the Properties pane click the ellipsis button (…) against the Properties property to open the Property Definition dialog box.
- In the Property Definitions dialog box, click Add to open the Add Property dialog box. In the Add Property dialog box, do the following:
- In the Source (Read From) section set
- The Type field to Xpath from the drop-down list;
- Specify the Xpath query to extract the value of the Priority element from the request schema in the Identifier field (you can get the Xpath query form the Instant XPath property in the schema
- In the Message Type field you need to specify the schema that you are trying to extract the value – so you need to select the CustomOrder schema.
- In the Source (Read From) section set
- In the Property (Write To) section set:
- In the Property Name field, you need to give the name to your property (promote property) that you are creating, in this case, put: “Priority”
- And in the Data Type field, you need to specify the data type for the property. Specify long.
- Click OK in the Add Property dialog box
- Repeat the same steps, this type to extract the “Quantity” element with the following values:
- In the Source (Read From) section set:
- Type: XPath
- Identifier: Specify the XPath query to extract the value of the Quantity element from the request
- Message Type: select the CustomOrder schema.
- In the Property (Write To) section set:
- Property Name: “Quantity”
- Data Type: long.
- In the Source (Read From) section set:
- Click OK in the Property Definition dialog box.
- Save the bridge configuration and go back to the Bridge Configuration designer surface.
Now we need to add to the Bridge Configuration designer surface the following entities:
- Two more XML One-Way Bridges and call them:
- OrderTopPriorityBridge
- And InvalidOrderBridge;
- The SQL LOB Target that we create earlier, to accomplish that we need to:
- Drag and drop an SQL LOB Target (sandroazureeaiedibus/sql/customorder) from Server Explorer windows to the Bridge Configuration surface.
- We can add the SQL LOB Target only one time or twice as you will see in the pictures below;
- Drag and drop an SQL LOB Target (sandroazureeaiedibus/sql/customorder) from Server Explorer windows to the Bridge Configuration surface.
- One Queue and set the entity name to “CustomerOrderQueue”
- And connect them as the images shows
In this demo, we will follow the first diagram!
Now we need to configure all the entities that we just add to our Bridge Configuration designer surface:
- STEP 2: Click the connection between XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge”
- In the Properties window, click the ellipsis (…) button for Filter Condition.
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- Priority = 100 AND Quantity > 0
- Note 1: this editor is rudimentary and don´t have IntelliSense, so you need to write correctly the names of your properties
- Note 2: the name of the properties are the ones we created earlier in pre-transform Enrich stage in the “OrderBridgeRouting” bridge.
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- In the Properties window, click the ellipsis (…) button for Filter Condition.
- Click OK.
- In the Properties window leave the Route Action empty.
- STEP 3: Repeat the same steps this time for the connection between XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- Quantity < 0
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- Click OK.
- In the Properties window leave the Route Action empty.
- STEP 4: Repeat the same steps this time for the connection between XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the Queue “CustomerOrderQueue”
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- Priority != 100 AND Quantity > 0
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Filter and add the following condition:
- Click OK.
- The XML bridges support both SOAP and REST message protocols. So, while sending a message from an XML One-Way Bridge to a Service Bus queue or a topic, you can specify whether the outgoing message will be a SOAP or a REST message:
- In the Properties pane, for the Messaging Protocol property, from the drop-down list, select either SOAP or REST depending on how you want to send the message. I choose to select REST.
- In the Properties pane leave the Route Action empty.
Situation point:
- He had successfully configured the first XML One-Way Bridge (STEP 1) – which will serve as our input channel, i.e., we will send the messages to this runtime address.
- And he had successfully configured the connections between:
- STEP 2: XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge”
- STEP 3: XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”
- STEP 4: XML One-Way Bridge “OrderBridgeRouting” and the Queue “CustomerOrderQueue
That basically receive the message and route them base on the context of the message to another XML Bridge or to a Queue.
Now we need to configure the destinations, the XML Bridges that are responsible for transforming messages in the format required by the destination and the connections between them:
- STEP 5: Configure the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge”
- STEP 6: Configure the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”
- STEP 7: Configure the connection between the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” to the SQL LOB Target entity
- STEP 8: Configure the connection between the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge” to the SQL LOB Target entity
- STEP 9: And configure the Queue
To configure the remains steps we need to:
- STEP 5: Configure the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge”
- Double click the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” on the bridge configuration surface to configure the bridge.
- On the XML One-Way Bridge design surface, within the Message Types box, click the add icon “plus” (+) to open the Message Type Picker dialog box.
- In the Message Type Picker dialog box, from the Available message types box, select the “CustomerOrders” message type, click the right arrow icon “right arrow” to associate the request schema with the Bridge and then click OK.
- Within the Transform stage, select the Xml Transform activity, and then from the Properties window click the ellipsis button (…) against the Maps property to open the Map Selection dialog box.
- From the list of maps displayed in the dialog box, select CustomerOrderToSQLOrderInsert.trfm and click OK.
- Double click the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” on the bridge configuration surface to configure the bridge.
- Save the bridge configuration and go back to the Bridge Configuration designer surface.
- STEP 6: Configure the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”
- Repeat the same process for the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”.
- In the Message Type Picker dialog box, from the Available message types box, select the “CustomerOrders” message type, click the right arrow icon “right arrow” to associate the request schema with the Bridge and then click OK.
- Within the Transform stage, select the Xml Transform activity, from the list of maps displayed in the dialog box, select CustomerOrderToSQLIncorrectOrderInsert.trfm and click OK.
- Save the bridge configuration and go back to the Bridge Configuration designer surface.
- Repeat the same process for the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge”.
- STEP 7: Configure the connection between the XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” to the SQL LOB Target entity
- To set the filter condition we need to:
- Click the connection between XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” to the SQL LOB Target entity.
- In the Properties window, click the ellipsis (…) button for Filter Condition.
- In the Route Filter Configuration dialog box, set the filter condition to Match All.
- Click OK.
- To set the Route action so that the outgoing message to the LOB application has a SOAP action header.
- Open Server Explorer and navigate to the SQL LOB Relay we created earlier. Right click the relay, click Properties, and for the Operations property, copy the value of the first operation.
- On the Bridge Configuration surface, click the connection between XML One-Way Bridge “OrderTopPriorityBridge” and the SQL LOB Target entity.
- In the Properties window, click the ellipsis (…) button for Route Action. In the Route Actions dialog box, click Add to open the Add Route Action dialog box. In the Add Route Action dialog box, do the following:
- Under Property (Read From) section, select Expression and then paste the value that you copied. Important: You must always specify the value for an expression within single quotes.
- Under Destination (Write To) section, set the Type to SOAP and the Identifier to Action.
- Click OK in the Add Route Action dialog box to add the route action. Click OK in the Route Actions dialog box
- To set the filter condition we need to:
- STEP 8: Configure the connection between the XML One-Way Bridge “InvalidOrderBridge” to the SQL LOB Target entity
- Repeat the same process for this connection
- Filter condition: Match All
- The Route action: Open Server Explorer and navigate to the SQL LOB Relay we created earlier. Right click the relay, click Properties, and for the Operations property, copy the value of the second operation.
- Repeat the same process for this connection
- STEP 9: And configure the Queue
- Click Queue entity
- In the Properties window, in the “Relative address” property you need to define the name of the queue that you create in the AppFabric Lab Portal, in my case: “CustomerOrderQueue”
- Click Queue entity
Now we are ready to build our solution and deploy to the cloud!
What is Route Filters and Route Action?
Route Filters: The bridge enables you to route messages to the intended recipient based on filters. The filters are set to certain values that are passed as part of the message. For example, if the value in the element <Recipient> in the XML message is set to Finance, send the message to Service A. Otherwise, send the message to Service B.
Route Action: Route actions help in bridging protocol mismatch. For example, consider two applications, App A and App B. App A sends messages by using the REST protocol while App B receives only SOAP messages. If App A sends the message to the bridge instead, the bridge includes SOAP headers on the message as part of Route Action. The bridge then sends the message over to App B.
The sample code is available for download in Code Gallery:.
Understanding Content-Based Routing in EAI Bridges (360.7 KB)
Microsoft Code Gallery
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