Aug 9

Friday Fact: Logic App Connectors Outlast HTTP Connectors in Default Retry Policies Timeouts

An interesting fact about default retry policies on logic app connectors is the fact that these default retry policies vary depending on the connector, for

By Luis Rigueira

Jul 9

Logic App Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks: #43 How to properly configure the System Number prope...

Welcome again to another Logic Apps Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks post In my previous blog posts, I discussed a fundamental trick for developers who use

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 11

Understanding and demystifying the Scope of the Table Looping Functoid

Let's have a look at a little of inside information that will be in my upcoming Book about maps: demystify and clarify some features about the Table Looping

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 12

BizTalk Mapper: Working With Nillable Values (xsi:nil=”true”)

Basically, there are two properties inside the schema element decide whether an element can be absent from the document: Min Occurs and Nillable If Min

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 20

BizTalk Mapper: Best Practices when using Custom XSLT files

If you follow my blog or already saw one of my presentations in BizTalk innovation Days events about BizTalk Mapper Patterns and Best Practices, you already

By Sandro Pereira

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