Mar 1

Friday Fact: When a HTTP Request is Received trigger can accept more http methods other than POST

Diving into Logic Apps, it's a common oversight to assume that only POST requests can be use when using the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger However,

By Luis Rigueira

Dec 24

Christmas Gift: BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Ad...

And you thought there was no Santa Claus I couldn’t take this opportunity and this time of year to once again give back to the community what they have also

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 11

BizTalk SOAP, HTTP, and HTTP-based WCF Adapters – How many Concurrent Connections are configured ...

By default the SOAP, HTTP, and HTTP-based WCF adapters (and NET in general) open only two concurrent HTTP connections from each BizTalk server to any specific

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 24

The Messaging Engine failed to register an adapter: SOAP, WCF-BasicHttp, HTTP, …

Problem The following error may occur when BizTalk Server attempts to register the SOAP, HTTP, or WCF adapter "The Messaging Engine failed to register

By Sandro Pereira

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