Jul 24

There was a failure executing the send pipeline: “Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLTra...

When trying to receive an XML document from a Receive Port, it occurs the following error message and the message is suspense: “… Error Description:

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 20

BizTalk Schema validation – Default and Deep Validation

By default, BizTalk Server will examine only the namespace and the root node name of a message to identify and validate the schema, and will not detect extra

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 24

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines… failed to...

Sometimes, when we try to test our Visual Studio BizTalk Server solution that we deploy in the BizTalk Server environment, we get the following error

By Sandro Pereira

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