Mar 21

Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day – The Story

Around 45 attendees, from 19 companies across 8 countries, some companies were Microsoft partners who brought their BizTalk consultants other were customers

By Sandro Pereira

Mar 5

Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day, dia 14 de Março 2013 no Porto – Participe!

This post is for the BizTalk Portuguese Community! Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day é um evento de um dia focado exclusivamente em Microsoft BizTalk Server e

By Sandro Pereira

Mar 4

Oporto City is ready to receive Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day – 14th March 2013 – Oporto, P...

First of all, I would like to thank Porto Convention Bureau for kindly given us the venue for the event The event will take place in Casa do Infante (Ribeira

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 28

Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day | 14th March 2013 – Oporto, Portugal – BizTalk Product Team will be...

Exciting news for all the BizTalk Community! Once again you will be able to interact with BizTalk Product Team, this time in Oporto BizTalk Innovation

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 16

Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day | 14th March 2013 – Oporto, Portugal – Registration process is open

We are really excited to announce that all the arrangements for Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day have been finalized and the registration process is finally

By Sandro Pereira

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