Feb 10

Why is so hard to make a simple If-Then-Else Functoid? … well, not anymore!

Sometimes I ask myself: Why is so hard to make a simple If-Then-Else Functoid, or even so painful to do an If-Then-Else operation, using BizTalk mapper I

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 27

BizTalk Mapper tips and tricks: How to properly implement conditions using Functoids chains

It's always good to analyze code performed by others, please do not consider this a criticism, it is not my intention Doing that, you will compare technics,

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 26

XLANG Uncaught exception: A failure occurred while evaluating the distinguished field [MY_FIELD_N...

Well let’s go back to the topic: you are doing crazy things with your maps! I was thinking that I had already seen it all, I was thinking that I had

By Sandro Pereira

Jan 16

BizTalk Mapper tips and tricks: How to reuse Scripting Functoids with Inline C# inside the same map

In the last days, I've been migrating old maps from BizTalk Server 2004 to the last versions of BizTalk Server: 2013 and 2013 R2 and I have seen several

By Sandro Pereira

May 6

BizTalk Server tips and tricks for developers: How to easily set the connection string in the dat...

As most of you already know, last month I presented a session at BizTalk Summit 2015 London event about “BizTalk Server tips and tricks for developers and

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 5

BizTalk Mapper tips and tricks: How to solve prefix problems (Exception Caught: ‘ns1’...

Back again to one of my favorites topics: transformations This is something that several people asked me for help in the past but I never found time to reply

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 11

Understanding and demystifying the Scope of the Table Looping Functoid

Let's have a look at a little of inside information that will be in my upcoming Book about maps: demystify and clarify some features about the Table Looping

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 12

BizTalk Mapper: Working With Nillable Values (xsi:nil=”true”)

Basically, there are two properties inside the schema element decide whether an element can be absent from the document: Min Occurs and Nillable If Min

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 3

BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices eBook [Free] coming soon….

I publicly announce for the first time that I was working on an eBook about BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices and that I was published for free,

By Sandro Pereira

Feb 23

How to migrate BizTalk maps to Windows Azure BizTalk Services (WABS) maps

Unlike Schemas, that you will be able to directly take your BizTalk Server schemas and use them in you WABS solution, BizTalk Maps needs to be migrated

By Sandro Pereira

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