BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices book [Free] released
I public announced for the first time that I was working on an eBook about BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices, and that it would be published for
Understanding and demystifying the Scope of the Table Looping Functoid
Let's have a look at a little of inside information that will be in my upcoming Book about maps: demystify and clarify some features about the Table Looping
BizTalk Mapper: Working With Nillable Values (xsi:nil=”true”)
Basically, there are two properties inside the schema element decide whether an element can be absent from the document: Min Occurs and Nillable If Min
BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices eBook [Free] coming soon….
I publicly announce for the first time that I was working on an eBook about BizTalk Mapping Patterns and Best Practices and that I was published for free,