Sandro Pereira Blog

My notes about Enterprise Integration: BizTalk Server, Service Bus, Logic Apps, API Management, Flow, PowerApps and everything Integration related.

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Sandro Pereira

Jul 20

BizTalk Document Mapping – Mass Copy Functoid

The Mass Copy functoid allows source records and containing elements and attributes to be copied and mapped across to the destination schema It creates a

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 20

BizTalk Document Mapping – Value Mapping Functoid and Value Mapping (Flattening) Functoid

If you want to map a specific field based on a condition, then Value Mapping functoid and Value Mapping (Flattening) Functoid are the two forms available to

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 20

BizTalk Schema validation – Default and Deep Validation

By default, BizTalk Server will examine only the namespace and the root node name of a message to identify and validate the schema, and will not detect extra

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 20

BizTalk Document Mapping – Organizing Maps

If you are dealing with large maps, they can become very complex and therefore very difficult to maintain and read To minimize this problem, BizTalk Server

By Sandro Pereira

Jul 4

Introduction BizTalk Document Schemas – Part II

Schema Namespaces Has posted before (link), BizTalk Server uses a combination of Namespace + Root Node name to identify and resolve schemas

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 19

Basics of BizTalk Runtime Architecture

BizTalk runtime architecture primarily has four major components: Receive Handler;Message Box;Orchestration;Send Handler Receive handler Receive

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 16

How To import Add Reference from WSDL file

WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 13

Introduction BizTalk Document Schemas

The XML Schema Definition (XSD) language natively defines message structure in BizTalk Server XML Schemas are the foundation of all scenarios and document

By Sandro Pereira

Jun 11

How to schedule an orchestration (BizTalk 2004, 2006 or R2)

How can we schedule an orchestration to run at predetermined time intervals or to start in a predetermined hour You have 3 possible ways to do

By Sandro Pereira

Apr 30

BizTalk Dynamic Send Port – How to implement retries, delivery notification and backup tran...

If you are using dynamic ports inside an orchestration, you have to configure BTSRetryCount and BTSRetryInterval properties on the message you want to send to

By Sandro Pereira

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