Thanks! Awarded as Microsoft Azure MVP 2016

Posted: January 2, 2016  |  Categories: Azure BizTalk Portuguese Community

Thanks, Microsoft for another wonderful start of New Year. Once again I’m delighted to share that I was renewed, for the 6th straight year, as MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional), this time after the changes that have occurred in the Microsoft MVP Program, as a Microsoft Azure MVP.

Microsoft Integration MVP 2013

Microsoft Azure MVP 2016

I never thought to become who I am today, it never crossed my mind… I started playing with computers when I was 5 or 6-year-old with my Timex Sinclair 2068 and the feeling I had that day is still in my blood… I grow playing games and compete with my old brother, my two young cousins and some of my friends, looking back, I knew somehow that my future would be related with this area (IT, computers). Then I was lucky to find the ideal people at the right time who believed in me and that encouraged me to become what I am today, for that a huge and special thanks to Rui Barbosa and José António Silva… and I am a lucky person because I am paid to do what I love the most!

But it was only a few years ago that I decide to start to share my knowledge, largely through my blog, which began as a kind of personal notebook, it was all about having fun and a way to escape the stress of everyday life…nothing has changed! But without realizing it, sharing my knowledge allowed me to grow as a person, to see the World and to meet amazing people and the most amazing friends!

My “wife” says that the computer is an extension of my personality, she met me that way, she loves me the way I am and for that reason, she encourages me to become even better, thanks Fernanda for all your support!

Once again, a big THANKS to the MVP Team in especially to my MVP Lead Cristina Herrero and Alessandro Teglia, to all members of BizTalk and Azure Product Teams, Microsoft Portugal, all community members and special to my readers.

To my family, to the BizTalkCrew (Nino Crudele, Tord Glad Nordahl, Saravana Kumar, and Steef-Jan Wiggers) and to all my coworkers at DevScope: THANKS for all the support during these last years!

It’s a big honor to be in the program and I’m looking forward to another great year. And remember to Enjoy life, follow your dreams and most importantly have fun!


(on top: my family celebrating; below: me and Fernanda)

In my native language (Portuguese):

Obrigado Microsoft para outro maravilhoso início de Ano Novo. Estou muito feliz por poder partilhar com todos vocês que fui nomeado Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) 2016|

Esta é a sexta vez que recebo este prémio e como é normal nestas ocasiões, gostaria de agradecer a todos os leitores do meu blog, amigos, a todos os membros da comunidade. Também gostaria de agradecer a minha MVP Lead Cristina Herrero, ao Alessandro Teglia, a todas as pessoas da Microsoft em especial à equipa de produto do BizTalk e Azure, Microsoft Portugal, a todos os meus colegas Microsoft Integration MVP’s e a todos os MVP’s Portugueses.

Eu também gostaria de fazer um agradecimento muito especial a minha há minha família e a minha linda namorada Fernanda por todo o seu suporte neste ultimo ano, ao membros do BizTalkCrew (Nino Crudele, Tord Glad Nordahl, Saravana Kumar e Steef-Jan Wiggers) e, finalmente, a todos os meus colegas de trabalho na DevScope, dos quais eu gostaria de destacar este ano o Rui Quintino e o João Sousa que se tornaram este ano MVP’s pela primeira vez! Parabéns!

É uma grande honra estar no programa e espero continuar a contribuir para a comunidade BizTalk, e integração no geral, e a merecer o reconhecimento.

Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community.

3 thoughts on “Thanks! Awarded as Microsoft Azure MVP 2016”

  1. Agora em Portugues: Parabens! 🙂 Sucesso merecido! Eu tenho tentado aumentar minha presenca online tambem e sei como eh dificil e como toma tempo. Parabens e obrigado por tudo que voce faz!

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